Home OP-ED Solving Your Fear of Flying – Through Nutrition

Solving Your Fear of Flying – Through Nutrition


A client recently contacted me about dealing with his fear of flying. He used to be able to fly without an issue. Lately, he becomes nervous, anxious – inexplicably – when boarding a flight. 

He worried this would cause him  because he flies every week for his job. He had been working seven days a week for the past eight months, and he was feeling tired.

Turned out his problem was not that bad, and quickly was resolved in two different ways.

The first was to ensure that he ate plenty of protein before, during and after the flight. I recommended making this protein-rich diet his choice for life.

The second part of his recovery came from him. After his first session, he said he was taking a five-week vacation to unwind. With the diet I had suggested plus his vacation would be enough to eliminate his new-found fear of flying.

The one session we had was certainly enough to get him to and from his vacation destination without any fear while flying. While grateful, he had not fully overcome his fear. He complained of restless leg syndrome for the whole flight.

Two years ago at a convention in Las Vegas, I met a man extremely nervous about his flight back to the east coast. I told him I could help him. With reservation, he agreed. He hypnotized well, made his flight, called it the best he had enjoyed in a long while, but still suffered restless leg syndrome.

I attribute this restlessness to our primitive fight/flight/freeze mechanism. In primitive times,we would deal with situations of perceived danger by running, fighting or playing dead.

Since both of my clients were in a plane, the options were not viable, so the fear manifested itself as a desire to run, hence the restless legs. I could be wrong, but I think the theory holds good.

Surrendering Control

There are a multitude of reasons why people are afraid to fly. It comes down to relinquishing control to the flight crew and remembering that you are making the decision to fly because you want to. Ensure a well-nourished and stable blood sugar level. In turn, this allows you to function from your higher self.

Try to gain a good understanding of how planes fly. If you get the opportunity to meet the crew, explain you are nervous. They will help you  relax. Have a drink during the flight. Stay away from tea or coffee. Caffeine will compound your nervousness. Book an aisle seat. This will leave you free to walk around if you are getting antsy. Turn the air vent on so that you feel a breeze. This will alleviate claustrophobia. The subconscious will accept the breeze as coming from outside, thereby easing the panic and anxiety.

Be careful of what you watch and read. Clearly you want to stay away from entertainment or news that involves anything to do with planes crashing. Try to find uplifting comedies to relax. Leave for the airport in plenty of time. When rushing, you tense up and become nervous. take an Ipod or other music player and listen to your favorite relaxing music.

Finally after all these useful tips, see a hypnotist to desensitize you to further negative concerns about flying. He or she will give your subconscious suggestions that will help you to control and finally eliminate your fear of flying.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net