Home OP-ED Solar Long, Swish, It’s Been Good to Know Ya

Solar Long, Swish, It’s Been Good to Know Ya


As closely as it can be verified, the reliably selective Los Angeles Titanic has not yet reported on the recent humiliating bankruptcy of the Northern California solar energy company Solyndra, the third major “green energy” company to collapse this year.

You would think when one of the country’s sexiest, most heavily promoted “green energy” companies, which secured a half-billion dollars in taxpayer-funded loans from the Swish administration, vanishes overnight, it would be newsworthy.

What the Titanic does not like, what the Titanic finds embarrassing — for Swish — the “news”paper does not print.

One day Solyndra of Fremont was roaring.

The next day all 1,100 employees were locked out, the shady “green energy” company went abruptly dark, and FBI officers mysteriously were flooding the properties.

For details, see any newspaper but the Titanic.

Solyndra’s public relations chap was as boxed out by what suddenly happened as you are and I am.

On 20 separate occasions, the fast-fingered boys from Solyndra visited Swish in the White House. Their oratorical Gore-like elixir made Swish swoon. Swish not only handed them a $535 billion “loan,” he made a splashy visit to Fremont, touting this fraudulent firm. For Swish, it felt like the Second Coming of Mohammad.

Dailycaller.com reported last week:

According to White House visitor logs, between March 12, 2009, and April 14, 2011, Solyndra officials and investors made no fewer than 20 trips to the West Wing. In the week before the administration rewarded Solyndra with the first-ever alternative energy loan guarantee on March 20, four separate visits were logged…

George Kaiser, who has in the past been labeled a major Solyndra investor as well as an Obama donor, made three visits to the White House on March 12, 2009, and one on March 13. Kaiser has denied any direct involvement in the Solyndra deal, and through a statement from his foundation said he “did not participate in any discussions with the U.S. government regarding the loan.”

But the countless meetings at the White House seem hardly coincidental. Kaiser, in fact, is responsible for 16 of the 20 meetings that showed up on the White House logs…

Solyndra officials, including Kaiser himself, donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Barack Obama.

Kaiser personally donated $53,500 to Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008. Ben Bierman, executive vice president of operations donated $5,500 to Obama, and Karen Alter, senior vice president of marketing gave $23,000, just to name a few.


Must be National Liars Month again. We have had a lot of them since Swish came to power.

Nationally, the Solyndra story has been treated like one of those discount Fourth of July firecrackers — it soars for a flash, and even faster plummets to earth, like Swish’s latest dieting ratings.

Green energy, as informed readers know, is as phony a concept as global climate warming change.

Green jobs is the first cousin of the bearded circus lady.

Since liberals generally are not serious people, sketchily read, vaguely informed, living mainly by their emotions, they are ripe for swallowing the Democrat circus barker’s hype about alternative energy.

Sounds so tomorrow, baby.

Upon closer inspection, global climate warming change and its incestuous, catchily-named green energy cousins, pack all the validity of Swish Era faddish but faded phrases, such as Swish’s intellect, shovel-ready jobs, middle class, Swish’s oratorical skills, Swish’s integrity, Swish’s attention span, Swish’s work ethic.

Swish, unsurprisingly, has gone into Ted Cooke mode when Solyndra’s name is mentioned. Ain’t never heard nuthin’‘bout ‘em, he says with a practiced straight face.

His stenographers in the national media want to spare Swish further humilation so they move on to the next story.