Home OP-ED So Long for a Little While

So Long for a Little While


[Editor’s Note: The prepared statement the City Councilman delivered at last night’s meeting, tendering his resignation.]

During the last meeting of each year, Council members traditionally take the opportunity to offer their thanks to the city family for all their energy and dedication over the preceding year.

This has been a challenging and a rewarding year, and we have indeed accomplished a great deal together.

I want to express my appreciation to my colleagues, to city staff, to our commissioners and committee members, and to all the active stakeholders in our community for their continuing commitment to Culver City. Culver City is an exceptional place to live, to work and to raise children. It's a community where an individual can make a difference. It's a community of which we can all be proud.

But in addition to this being the Council's last meeting of the year, it is also the meeting at which, with a great sense of sadness, I must tender my resignation as a Council member.

While I am torn between two things I love — my service to the community and my family — my first obligation is, of course, to my family.

Let me explain: Council members do not make a living from their service to the community. We do it because of our love of and commitment to Culver City.

About 40 years ago it was decided that Council members would have the opportunity to participate in an existing employee health plan, including retiree healthcare coverage. Being part of that group medical plan has made it possible for me, as a husband and father, to reduce my regular work hours so I could dedicate the time and energy it takes to serve our community to the absolute best of my ability.

And while serving on the Council has been an incredibly enriching experience, it has involved a lot of compromises for my wife Anne and I.

I want to particularly acknowledge Anne for her patience, her sacrifices, her warmth and her support. She has made my service to the community possible.

It hasn't been easy, but we've made it work.

This past year, the city adopted changes to its retiree medical benefit program that have put my family in a very difficult position. I must retire before the end of the year in order to retain our current coverage, coverage that we have counted on as I balanced my work life and my public service.

It is so very difficult to find myself at this crossroads, but ultimately my decision revolves around one simple fact: It's important for me to know that no matter what life throws at us, I will have done everything I can as a husband and father to ensure the health and security of my family.

Many people who are aware of my dilemma are urging me to run for City Council again. They've expressed concern about the loss of my experience, my institutional memory, and my relationships as the Council team works together on critical projects like Parcel B; Washington/National and Washington/Centinela; and the city's efforts to ensure financial stability and environmental sustainability.

Because of the confidence and enthusiasm of so many citizens; because there are so many things I want to see through to completion; because there is so much work left to be done, Anne and I are giving that idea serious consideration.

But no matter what, you can always count on my continuing service to the community through the many charitable and volunteer efforts I have been a part of for the past 20 years.

So, as of midnight tonight, I am resigning from the City Council. It has been a privilege and a pleasure serving you, and I thank you for the honor.

It is my hope that I have explained myself adequately and that you understand. I look forward to working together with you in the future as we seek to make Culver City ever better.

And I thank you all for the laughter, joy and dedication to the future we have shared. Culver City is an inspiring place. There is no finer community than ours, no finer group of citizens.

I wish you all very happy holidays and all the best for the New Year.