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Small Screen – Big Passion


Two x 3½ inches isn’t a very large movie screen. But the small picture is so very sharp and real looking. It’s been my movie screen for the past few weeks at night, while lying in bed.

When detective Columbo makes his famous “almost exits” and then turns to say “One more thing . . .” it makes me smile broadly, often bringing on a chuckle. Thanks, Netflix, for providing me with an app for my iPhone, a clear image on my cuddle-up TV screen, and a heartwarming experience as my eyes begin to droop at night.

Something is special about small screens – and about very large ones.

I recall our first TV set. Dad installed a special magnifying glass device in front of the very small screen. We would all sit up pretty close to the set and watch our shows together. Years back, I had a handheld portable TV. It operated on a few batteries. Its screen was no more than two inches square, and the picture was black and white. I have memories of cuddling up in bed with that TV to watch whatever was on at night.

My present TV is a “big screen” set. It is 42” across. Now I see there are sets that are 90” diagonally. When I want to see a film on a big screen, I go to the IMAX. That’s really big.

Like a Family Member, It Is Relative

It seems to me that the actual size of the screen is relative. Why? Because, for example, when I sit in a movie theatre toward the back row, the screen doesn’t seem much larger than my iPhone screen. When I am forced to sit toward the front of the theatre, the screen is so huge I feel I am getting lost in the picture. When I view Columbo on my tiny screen, I realize that it’s much better than being at the back of the movie theatre. After all, the picture is clear, there’s no one around coughing, talking or even moving. What’s more, I can push the pause button and take a break when I want to.

Yes, cuddling up with Columbo at night on my iPhone is a passion. One reason I know this: Columbo has had re-runs for years on TV, and I never was  interested.
As Columbo says, “One more thing.” I think miniature things are cute. Don’t you?

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen@hotmail.com