Home OP-ED Silbiger Wants to Make Certain About Solar Backup Plan

Silbiger Wants to Make Certain About Solar Backup Plan


[Editor’s Note: The School Board President’s reaction to yesterday’s 90-minute workshop presentation on about 2200 solar panels scheduled to be installed in the car lot of the Culver City High School campus next spring, at a cost of $4 million.]

The most important part for me, without question, is that we build a contract with our solar vendor (SunPower) that ensures that all of the panels will be built by June, 2013, so that we can get our maximum financial return.

We are talking about $400,000 per year for the next 30 years. So we can't screw this up.

Everyone wants the athletic fields built. But we are relying on money from the state, which has not yet been allocated to us. We just can't rely on them.

We have no idea when that money is going to come.

We need to build into the contract, as the Board voted three weeks ago, to have a “Plan B,” in case the money from the state doesn't come on time.

Mr. Silbiger may be contacted at ksilbiger@juno.com