Home OP-ED Silbiger Describes Format of Critical School Board Meeting

Silbiger Describes Format of Critical School Board Meeting


Tonight's School Board meeting (5:30 to 7:30 at the School District offices) actually is a workshop.

Because the issues surrounding parent fundraising and funded positions are so complicated and important, we are setting aside two hours to do fact-finding.

Our labor attorney will be on hand to present a staff report.

Then members of the public and members of the School Board will be encouraged to ask questions so that we can all better understand the legal parameters surrounding a policy on this issue.

If time remains, the Board may begin to craft such a policy.

But I have a feeling that the fact-finding may take up the entire time tonight since there are so many questions. Of course, we will leave tonight with a better understanding of the legal issues and a follow-up meeting date to continue working on this policy.

Mr. Silbiger, President of the School Board, may be contacted at ksilbiger@juno.com