Home OP-ED Say Good Night, Mr. Waxman

Say Good Night, Mr. Waxman


U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Westside) has been eating at the public trough for 38 years.

Now is the time to bring an end to his infamous career of abusing Veterans’ property in Los Angeles for the benefit of his wealthy cronies at the expense of disabled and disadvantaged military Veterans.

Serving our Veterans is neither a Republican or a Democrat issue. It is an American responsibility.

It is also an American responsibility to stop Henry Waxman from serving another term in public office so that we can serve our Veterans, who courageously served us.

Here is the link to Christopher David, a young and inspiring Candidate running for U.S. Congress against Mr. Waxman in the 33rd District. http://www.christopherdavid2012.com/

Mr. Waxman has misused and abused the sacred land at the Los Angeles National Veterans Home while 20,000 disabled and disadvantaged Veterans live homeless and hungry in back-alley squalor because Henry has answered to the “wants” of his wealthy cronies instead of serving the “needs” of our homeless and impoverished Veterans who belong at “The Home.”

These Veterans suffer a multitude of disabilities from their war injuries while defending our freedom and the American way of life.

Henry doesn't care about them or their future. He only cares about his next term in office.

The shameful misappropriation of Veterans property was facilitated by Henry on behalf of his wealthy friends. They want Veterans land as their own fiefdom for amusement and entertainment.

Solar Panels?

Instead of building shelter for homeless Veterans, Henry has facilitated a $57 million solar panel project on Veterans property that will not remove one homeless Veteran from the dangerous streets of Los Angels.

But it makes his environmentalist cronies very happy.

Instead of building shelter for homeless Veterans, Henry supports building a public park on Veterans’ property. He helped arrange a no-bid, “rent-free” agreement for a 16-acre parcel of Veterans’ property that is valued at $1 billion, while benefiting a group of wealthy homeowners at the expense of homeless Veterans.

Henry has been in office for nearly four decades.

For many reasons he must be stopped.

His abuse and neglect of America's disabled and homeless Veterans make it mandatory that he is removed from public office because he has violated his public trust.

The Fallout

Under Henry's “watch,” Los Angeles has become the capital for homeless Veterans, even though the largest VA in the nation is in Henry's Congressional District.

It was Mr. Waxman's fiduciary duty as the elected pubic servant to ensure that this sacred land would be “permanently maintained as a National Home for Disabled Soldiers.

While Henry is considered to be one of the most powerful members of Congress, he has failed miserably to uphold his duty to protect and preserve this sacred land for the sole benefit of disabled and homeless Veterans. Instead, he has abused his entrusted authority by abusing disabled Veterans while misappropriating their property for non-Veteran use.

The greater the power the more dangerous the abuse.” – Edmund Burke

Christopher David, on the other hand, promises to bring an end to Mr. Waxman's power-hungry career that has kowtowed to a small group of elite cronies at the shameful expense of thousands of disabled and impoverished Veterans.

But Christopher needs your help to end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles. That can only happen when we accept responsibility to stop Mr. Waxman from serving another disgraceful term.

Stop Mr. Waxman and we stop the biggest land-fraud scam in American history!

When you vote for Mr. David, you are not just voting against Mr. Waxman; you are voting on behalf of 20,000 homeless Veterans whom Henry exiled from their legal Home in favor is his fat-cat cronies.

If you are not in the 33rd Congressional District, please donate to Mr. David's campaign so we can stop Henry Waxman from overeating at the House of Representatives while Veterans are homeless and hungry in back-alley squalor.

Remember, 20,000 homeless Veterans are depending on us to “Bring them Home.” The only way is to stop Mr. Waxman by voting for Mr. r David.

Mr. Rosebrock, himself a Veteran, may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com