Home OP-ED “Save Our Schools” — From Whom?

“Save Our Schools” — From Whom?


Reader James Robertson’s letter last Friday, inquiring/complaining about salaries in the clouds and supposedly overstuffed staffing of City Hall offices, has re-ignited a community debate that must expand to include our allegedly under-fire schools.

Please don’t listen to the shiny-teethed bridge salesmen.

Schools are in “trouble” because of maniacal spree spending by historically Democrat-controlled legislatures in Sacramento committed to the lofty-sounding bogus concept of “social justice.” They bankroll the permanently unemployed and a wall full of “environmental” agencies — the Democrats’ two favorite charities. Dear voters, those are your school-intended funds being flushed away. Follow the money trail. You don’t have to be Sherlock, just a little inquisitive.

Gov. Bald Retread and his hard left Yowza minions seek to slug you in the mouth with three channels of new taxes and reliably left-wing voters say “Thank you, Boss.”

Teachers unions the length of the state, and their labor union allies, such as busybody nurses, line up every election cycle and force their members to support Democrat candidates. Once elected, they get sore arms throwing money out the windows of tall buildings, spending as if every dollar wasted is a lance in the hearts of Republicans.

Unions and their pals back Democrats with everyone else’s money, and then voters have the chutzpah to complain when the Dems support “social justice” schemes such as “Environmental Protection for Gay Left-Handed Couples Who Prefer Sausage to Sushi” with their school-marked monies.

If the people you lavishly vote into office every cycle betray you, doesn’t this amount to willful self-abuse?

Think, please.

Isn’t this plain enough for a liberal to detect, sort of like an elephant barreling down an empty freeway at high noon. Subtleties often elude the undiscerning, ideologically imprisoned hard left.

Instead of conducting sober research in serious journals, supporters of Please, Daddy, Just One More Round of Fat Taxes derive their unshakeable beliefs, without a speck of insight or skepticism, from high-calibre types, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, the Huffington Post and The New York Times. As observed here the other day, these one-way, virulently partisan outlets are as incurious and forward thinking as tree stumps.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye. Circus Now Arriving.

Surely most of those who are crying out for relief for our schools are aware that they are not only watching but participating in a circus. Look at the slightly bigger picture, people. You are being had as brazenly as if this were your first day in an electrically lit town.

This is one of the reasons that Steve Gourley voluntarily is departing the School Board when he still has much to give, the hopelessly gagged and bound carnival clowns in Sacramento. They are scamming you in the daylight, and you never catch on.

Schools are no more under fire than Culver City is under martial law — but by golly it makes a sexy bargaining point.

When I spoke last Tuesday to Ali Delawalla, the School District’s Assistant Sup for Business Services, he said he would need a week, until tomorrow night’s School Board meeting in Council Chambers, to interpret the meaning of Gov. Retread’s May Revise budget.

Dreaded Visit to the Densest

Mr. Delawalla is a smart guy. If it takes him seven days, working fulltime, to deduce what the Democrat cows, chickens and whores in Sacramento have conspired to do to you, no wonder such crookedness slips past ordinary, untrained people,

Reliably, then, like a ventriloquist’s dummy, voters dutifully march to the nearest street corner and apocalyptically belt out, “Save Our Schools. Our Children Will Suffer if Taxes Aren’t Raised, Especially on the Hated Rich.”

Wanna bet they don’t close?

Wanna bet your child’s education will not suffer one tick?

But we never learn.

Boo! tactics unfailingly succeed.

“We Threaten and You Surrender” is the motto in Sacramento.

Like an organ grinder’s monkey, hard left Californians perch themselves on Gov. Retread’s knee, look longngly into his bloodshot eyes and beg, on schedule, “Tell me another tax fairy tale, Father Bald.”

It is merely a matter, pal, of responsibly apportioning the money already in Sacramento. What did they do with the last $20 billion you sent them?

People, don’t you do any critical thinking? You hold your children accountable. Why not professional thieves?

The First Commandment of politicking is, “I need more money,” and you foolish liberals say, “Sure, pal, just name the amount.”

But liberals are well off and conservatives are relatively poor because the libs, gay blades that they are, constantly vote for The Other Guy to be taxed.


Between now and 2075, taxes do not need to be raised $1, but the chronically ideologically drunk hard left plays the role of rich man who never has enough in his bank account.

Remarkably uninformed or hopelessly ignorant pundits/politicians wail about the “middle class” — a synonym for Democrat voters — losing ground. This is as big of a lie as saying today is tomorrow.

Meanwhile, when you glance away, they shovel your tax dollars into the gutter on nut-based “environmental” and “alternative energy” programs. More “green jobs.”

Must You Believe Everything?

And you, dear voter, wonder why you are encouraged, if not ordered, to stand on the street corner once an hour with that silly “Save Our Schools” placard?

Has thinking been outlawed by voters on the left?

Instead of allowing each community to handle its own problems, Big Daddy in Sacramento pounds his dishonest chest and bellows, every day, “Me Heap Big Honest Injun,” and liberal Californians bow low and say fervently, “Yes, Daddy.” Once the lies and dishonest advertising are in place later this summer around the state, Gov. Retread may — we said may — get his wish to have a November election calling for three new entirely unnecessary tax hikes — income, sales and vehicles.

He wanted the confiscation to span five years but he has been chiseled back to four — whatever, by then he will be safely under the ground or at least out of office. He lies as smoothly as veteran liberals in Sacramento and calls them “temporary” hikes. Right, like an alcoholic who is temporarily thirsty.

The money-swallowing beast in Sacramento is bottomless. Don’t you illegals and other apostles of the hard left get it? The beast never has enough money.

Eagerly supporting politicians programmed to blow other people’s earnings, you vote generously to hand over tax money from the wallets of fellow Californians who actually are trying to keep pace.

“Save Our Schools” is a magnetic slogan that some either scheming or guileless person thought up. Whichever, he is no more serious than chewed bubble gum.

There is enough money in Sacramento to buy off Ghadafy, Assad and two-thirds of the terrorists in Hamas on the same day.

Gov. Retread’s lying alibi is that he woke up one morning in his bed of straw, and what did his glassy, aging eyes espy but $6.6 billion in unanticipated revenue.

A bachelor most of his life and childless in his old age, Mr. Retread doesn’t know schoolchildren from stale sardines. The idol of the idle left said he would generously siphon off $3 billion of the found $6.6 billion to “schools,” whatever “schools” means.

Now let’s say Six Point Six had not been “found.”

What money in Sacramento’s drunken mess would have gone to schools? Their arithmetic sure is funny, but they are the only ones laughing because you, poor sap, have been gamed again.


I am going out to warm up for the next tax hike, wending my way down a muddy, slushy pathway littered with the latest failed faux Democrat-fostered programs such as “environment rules for the needy,” “green energy” and “aid for the liberal poor.”