Home OP-ED Sarah’s Hometown and Biden’s Vote Total Almost Resemble Twins

Sarah’s Hometown and Biden’s Vote Total Almost Resemble Twins


It’s laughable how the Democrats are trying to downplay Gov. Palin this afternoon for getting her start as mayor in a small town with only 7,000 residents in detached Alaska.

Well, that’s just 2,000 fewer than the total primary votes that 36-year D.C. insider Joe Biden got all across America.

The Democrats are now asking:

If Obama had picked Hillary, would McCain have picked Sarah?

Well, he didn’t. Gov. Palin may turn out to be America’s own Iron Lady, a role vacant since Margaret Thatcher retired.

Barack Obama’s poor judgment and inexperience were underscored when he threw Hillary and her 18 million votes under the bus for an angry white male with 9,000 votes because he second-guessed that McCain was going to choose Romney or Lieberman.

And this neophyte wants to play poker with our nation’s security when he sits down to negotiate with powerful and experienced dictators and tyrants?

Obama’s only experience is in buffoonery, in which he excels.

Prediction: McCain-Palin will sweep all “57 states” that Obama claims he has campaigned in, including Hawaii and Alaska…

An Explanation from Above

In the presence of a spellbound Republican National Convention, God gave His brief but accurate account of the Bible’s Book of Genesis, declaring: 

“In the beginning, I created Heaven, Earth, Adam, Eve and the Republican Party — but not necessarily in that order.

“Regarding Intelligent Design, how do you explain the mind of a Democrat? I certainly had nothing to with it.

“And for those who believe in evolution, why haven’t the Democrats evolved into the highest level of humanity and become Republicans?

“I’ll be back. I’ve got a dinner engagement back Home with two of my closest advisors, Abe Lincoln and Ronnie Reagan.”

Stay tuned for more late breaking news as God will continue to speak out at the RNC.
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