Home OP-ED Salt – Not Chlorine!

Salt – Not Chlorine!


When I went on the Intex above-ground-swimming-pool website last week to look for a rectangular pool that would fit in my backyard, I saw the blurb about doing away with chlorine. The blurb said that 90 percent of in-ground pools already use the salt-water purification system. Where was I? I had never heard about that. Of course, I did not have an in-ground pool. Maybe that’s why.

At any rate, I ordered the pool from Sears, picked it up in our CRV, put it up in about five hours, then ordered the salt water system from Walmart (best price around), hooked it up, and voila.

No more chlorine to deal with. No more quick trips to the pool store for that bag, or bucket, of chlorine.

Not only that, but after swimming, my hands and the rest of my body feels soft, not harsh as in the past.

Not only that, but because salt does not evaporate, I don’t need to do anything except run my pump and salt-water device for a few hours each day. The device turns the salt water into appropriately chlorinated water.

Slender Slathering of Saltiness

So, I’ve gone from being a circle pool & chlorine guy, to being a rectangular pool & salt-water guy. By the way, the salt concentration is about 1/10th of that in the ocean. I can taste a slight saltiness in the water, but it is not bothersome at all.

Now, if you’ve read this far, and are looking for some profundity, it is this: I didn’t really want to have a rectangle pool, but my wife said she would swim in it regularly. To make my wife happy – and healthy – I bought the pool. I love it.

How often do we do things to please others and, to our amazement – or just surprise – we are pleased beyond our expectations?

What percentage of my pleasure comes from seeing my wife happy, and what percentage is from enjoying the pool myself? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I am doubly happy from pleasing the two of us.


Email me at robertebsen@hotmail.com