Home OP-ED Sad Saga of a Selective Weekly Editor – in the Racial Category

Sad Saga of a Selective Weekly Editor – in the Racial Category


Hollywood Rape Surge Rears Its Ugly Head Once Again:

PC racist L.A. Weekly editor and social butterfly Jill Stewart turns her back on minority assault victims.

Often, they are attacked on their way to and from Hollywood nightclubs that advertise in the Weekly.

The press only covers Hollywood rape stories when the victim is white.

Remember the lady who was raped in an alley off Melrose Avenue awhile ago?

Killing Hollywood rape stories in the Weekly therefore avoids bad publicity for potential nightclub advertisers and serves as a coercive incentive for club owners to advertise in the Weekly pages.

Nice work, Ms. Stewart!

Yet the L.A. Press Club queen bee sits and rules at that august body…often in ethical judgment of her peers.

You go, girl.

Keep refusing to report on the growing minority rape victim surge in Hollywood because it is good for your career.

The last rape story to appear in her paper was by Simone Wilson. She was rewarded by being laid off a short time later instead of a couple male reporters with less seniority than Ms. Wilson had.

Jill’s female victim now is reduced to the level of an L.A. Weekly free-lancer.

Now-freelancer Wilson just wrote that big hit-and-run story for the Weekly. But Ms. Stewart hogged all the credit by pushing reporter Wilson aside so she could appear on SoCal Connected, leaving the clear impression on that television show that she wrote the story.

For shame!

By the way, Ms. Stewart, did now-freelancer Wilson lose her medical coverage when you dropped her?

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at hollywoodhighlands.org