Home OP-ED Sad Passion

Sad Passion


She was like a sister to my wife, and a very good friend to our family.

Bila passed away early this morning. Memories of her are my passion this week.

Most of my essay-passions have had fun roots. But passion, it seems, can have sad roots, too. Passion can take you to great heights – and to great depths.

Even at great depths, the memories of a special person can give rise to the memories of joy that the person imparted to all she met.

I remember – and rejoice – in the world of songs and laughter Bila shared with us all. She was my children’s teacher, playing the piano and singing with utter happiness. She continued to “sing” all the days of her life.

Bila was always there for my wife – as well as for all our family. I remember her singing birthday phone calls, and her total commitment to her own family, and to ours.

The grand parties she made for my daughters and my parents provide me with wonderful memories. How special, too, were the parties she made for her own family.

Her love for her children and, later, her grandchildren, could easily be seen in the broad smile on her face and on the wisps of the lyrics to the songs she sang while hugging them.

Her love for her first husband, and for her second husband, showed us all how dedicated she was to their pleasure in life – even before her own pleasure.

Yes, I remember Bila with a Passion. A passion of sadness combined with a passion of happy memories. That is how I hope to be remembered, too.

What do we really have beyond memories, photos and videos? We really have the knowledge that we are shaped by the presence of those we hold dear.

We love you, Bila.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at Robertebsen@hotmail.com