Home OP-ED Rushing the Season?

Rushing the Season?


It’s time for me to get on my soapbox because I have seen an advertisement for Christmas on television. Twice. 

True, it was for a type of card they wanted me to purchase, to make my shopping experience more enjoyable. 

I don’t believe any type of card is capable of making my shopping experience more enjoyable, unless, possibly, they were giving me a card that didn’t need to be purchased or repaid.

I dread the holiday.

First, it starts far too soon. This year it probably will be in full swing much earlier than in the past, due to economic conditions. 

Secondly, it’s my belief that with all the hype, we lose the true meaning of Christmas.  It’s not about a tree, decorations, presents or a delicious dinner. It’s the celebration of the birth of Christ.

Next, it’s all the money that is spent. 

Yes it does help the retail establishments survive. However, each of us should set aside a few dollars, to help those less fortunate. This year there will be many who will need help during the holidays.  Possibly our President will once again walk out to the many money trees he has on the White House lawn and shake a few dollar loose for each of us to spend during the holidays. 

Who knows? We might even get a turkey from him for Thanksgiving.  “A turkey for every pan.”

Not to Get Personal

Since, according to the television, the holidays are here, we must now start thinking about purchasing gifts for everyone on our holiday list. 

That’s not personal. No thought was put into that purchase. Money and gift cards are personal to me, as I can then purchase what I need, not what someone thinks I could use.  

Isn’t it usually true, a small child plays longer with the box than the item enclosed? 

Older kids don’t like our choice in clothing.

So there isn’t much excitement when they open a gift and find clothes inside. 

They are always hopeful that the package will contain an electronic game or some super duper phone, that allows instant access to everyone and everything in the world. 

Included with the clothing may possibly be a CD.  It will feature an artist (using the term loosely), and I won’t be able to understand one word that is being sung. 

Let me be the first to wish you a Happy Holiday season!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at