Home OP-ED Ringing Cell Phones – How Annoying in Church

Ringing Cell Phones – How Annoying in Church


Dateline Dayton — Cell phones are a great convenience. Also a nuisance. Often I am criticized for not having my cell phone attached, in some manner, to my body. 

I just don't believe they are that important. Most times I need the phone, I have it.

I can remember when I was responsible for security at a business and carried a portable phone with a strap that went over my shoulder. 

To be exact, I was at the post office with that contraption when I learned of my father's death.

I remember when car phones were the rage. I said that being in the car is when I get away from the constant ringing of the office phone.  Why would I want a phone in my car?

Today phones are everywhere.  You can't even get away from them in church. 

Prior to the start of our service, an announcement is made to turn off or silence cell phones.  Inevitably someone's phone will ring during Mass, sometimes just after the announcement is made. 

In most cases it appears the recipient had no idea how to turn off the phone. It rings and rings.  Even if they don't answer the call, the phone will start ringing for the second time.

I have an easy solution: Don’t take your phone to church. Leave it  at home, at least, in the car.  Your phone in church, is a distraction to you and the congregation. This is distractingly true when you carry on a conversation.

Monday night we attended the Dayton Dragons baseball game, and it was bad in many ways. They lost 13-2, and then there were those nagging cell phones.

Where Were His Priorities?

My first encounter with a nasty cell came when I was in line to get my supper. When we go the ballpark, we usually treat ourselves to ballpark food, whichis good and reasonably priced for a sporting event.  The guy in front of me in line was on his phone. He paid no attention to the server.  Finally I stepped in front of him and got my order. 

When I returned to the line for a drink, the same scenario was repeated. This time the guy continued in line, talking the entire time he received his order. 

I can't believe how many people go to ballgames and spend the entire time on the phone, testing it or playing with it. What a waste!

Dressing for Mass

Since I mentioned cell phone and church, I should discuss dress and church.  Shorts and sneakers are common today.  I have worn my sneakers, especially if I am going someplace from church.  Seldom do I wear shorts. No one should see my ugly legs. 

The shorts women wear are getting shorter. Couple this with a plunging neckline, and for me it is a genuine distraction.  I am all for short shorts and plunging necklines, just not in church.  As with cell phones, there is a time, and  place.

Have a Happy and Safe 4th!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net