Home OP-ED Ringers, Speakers, and Lights – Oh, My!

Ringers, Speakers, and Lights – Oh, My!


What a difference a phone makes. Especially when the ringers-off feature works so easily.

On the last phone – that we’ve had for some years already – I was the only one in the family who knew how to turn the ringers off and on.

What a responsibility!

I did write an instruction sheet for turning the ringers off, but no one could understand that page and a half document.

My nightmare was that I would die, or leave town, with the ringers off.

I feared my wife would suffer a disconnect.

Now, with the new phone, I just decrease the volume past LOW, and voila! – the ringer turns off.

The “ringer off” feature and the “speakerphone” feature are just about tied for excellence.

I can turn off the ringers when I want to nap, and I can go on speakerphone and, at the same time, work on the computer while waiting for, or talking to people.

When it’s dark, there’s nothing better than to be able to see the numbers on the dialpad. No more fumbling for the light switch.

I put one of my three cordless phones in the bathroom.

I think it’s really neat not having to look for a phone when it’s time to go.

I mean, wouldn’t you like to be within arm’s reach of a phone when you’re similarly occupied? Apparently, my wife can’t see the phone there when company calls. Maybe I could cover the phone with flowers and she would accept it.

Would I like to have a phone in each room of the house? Yes. Will I? In my dreams.

Even if you don’t dream of a ringers-off, lighted dial, speakerphone, you can email me at: robertebsen@hotmail.com