Home OP-ED Revenge, You Are So Sweet. May I Kiss You?

Revenge, You Are So Sweet. May I Kiss You?


Irony, sometimes, can romance the palate and feel ravishingly sweet.

While the crowds of professional Arab-world Jew-haters that glut the United Nations were chuckling smugly inside their tall smoked glasses of schnapps on Friday afternoon, snickering over how they had snookered Israel one more time in front of the world, innovative Israelis back home were dealing the same world a nifty lesson in intelligence.

I never have heard of such a case.

For months, hundreds of seething, obsessed Jew-haters, from assorted lands, have been coordinating an invasion to perpetrate massive havoc across Israel. Gentler people described the uprising as a synchronized Fly-In to Ben-Gurion Airport, followed by a march to the West Bank where these crazed types were intending to protest Israeli “occupation” of territories the disorganized Palestinians are claiming for themselves, namely all of Israel.

Employing extraordinary shrewdness — which has kept the Jewish state alive the last 63 years —Israel snuffed out the invasion as it was developing.

Crack Lesson in Prevailing

Israel circulated 340 names of these would-be terrorists to airlines in major European cities with this urgent warning attached:

If any were allowed to board flights to Israel, not only would they be immediately turned back, they would be deported at the expense of the guilty airlines.

Not complicated. Simplistic enough for a sophisticated liberal to comprehend.

It worked — so far. Surely these devious extremists will be back, exploring new ways to sneak into one of the safest countries on earth and wreak Arab- and Muslim-style disorder. They are like horseflies who crawl up your face and won’t let you alone at a bucolic picnic.

Two Friday flights into Israel were diverted to remote locales while their nervous passengers were investigated by the No. 1 security force on the planet. Some 500 Israeli police were deployed at Ben-Gurion, which isn’t that big. Arabs learned decades ago that while Muslims and Arabs can live in peace beside dreaded Jews, if they choose, if they can avoid committing mayhem. Otherwise, they will be treated like a slab of meat if authorities determine they are plotting.

The juicy irony lies in the timing and similarity of this defeat of the dastardly. It came one day after the liberal, anti-Semitic den of criminals known as the United Nations issued its newest condemnation of Israeli behavior.

You see, two months ago, 10,000 armed Palestinians and other flavors of Arabs attempted to loudly invade Israel through its Lebanese border to the north. Same song, same verse, same style as the fly-in flop. “You are occupying our land.”

And Where Have You Been?

Sixty years ago, these ludicrous people were herded into stinking, crowded prison-like conditions in and around the Gaza Strip. They have been hunkered down there, pathetically, ever since.

Periodically, their Persian and Syrian keepers — the boy scouts from Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim version of the Ladies Aid Society — tap these wretches on their heads and tell them “time to riot again.”

That is what happened on May 15. It was planned as tightly as a Bach symphony.

This always is a cue for the white-shirt branch of Jew-haters at the U.N. to xerox an internationally distributed report that always says the same thing:

Those darned Jews used “disproportionate force” — their favorite phrase —to ward off a sugar-faced, peace-shlepping mob of crazed Arab imbeciles, phrasing that sounds superfluous.

Seven of the 10,000 crazies were killed. Over in Syria, Assad slaughters three times that many countrymen before breakfast.

Ten thousand armed, screaming hooligans tried to overrun the northern border. I would say Israel used sacred restraint in only shooting seven of them, some of whom may have been killed by Lebanese troops.

Finally, there is this laughable footnote. The seven “victims” were described as “civilians.” The whole darned Arab world is comprised of “civilians.” That way nothing ever is their fault. Just as the liberals in this country have consecrated “the put-upon poor and middle class,” their roots are identical to those of Arab “civilians.” They sprang to us directly from God.