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Responding to a Critic


When I read Tuesday’s article by Mr. George Laase, my first reaction was anger.

Last week I read his attack on Mr. “Z,” and I wanted to respond then.

But there are more pressing issues, like Ms. Maya Cohn and Ms. Dee Seehusen. Plus Mr. “Z” is quite cable of handling his own business.


Mr. George Laase wrote: Just finished reading Gary Abrams’ latest essay where he tries to make the best of his last place finish in last month’s School Board election.

Mr. Laase is misinformed. Old news. Should read the frontline more often.


During the School Board campaign, I quoted some information from one of Mr. George Laase’s articles below.

Mr. Elmont, one of the candidates, attempted to educate me on the facts along with Mr. Scott Zeidman, a sitting Board member. I went with Mr. Laase’s version, which proved factually incorrect.


From this newspaper on Feb. 3, 2006:

Mr. Laase writes:

“The Committee concluded that by adding Ladera Heights’ almost 6,000 registered voters to the Culver City School District’s voting rolls, a 25 percent influx of new voters would have an effect on electing new school boards for the District. And why not? If they came into the School District, shouldn't they have a say in how the almost billion dollars ($975m) they are adding (18 percent) to the School District tax base is spent?”

The truth (my understanding anyway) is that tax dollars are sent to Sacramento and then are parceled out, flat rate, by each student enrolled. The District has no control.

Mr. Laase is correct to say when I emailed him regarding an article he had published in this newspaper, I wanted to republish it but tweak it to Measure EE.

I asked him if I could give him credit for it?

Now here is where it gets cloudy.

Mr. Laase refused my request, which is his God-given right. A “no” would have sufficed. He stated to me that he had been working on some kind of settlement with the School Board for 6 years, and if this letter came out, it would have jeopardized the negotiations.

I would have appreciated it if he had not tried to make a flimsy excuse. The truth is just difficult for a lot of Californians.

Mr. Laase wrote: Awhile back, during his untraditional, non-campaign campaign for the Board, he emailed me asking if he could convert one of my past commentaries in this newspaper as being one of his own.

Mr. Laase must be a graduate of the California school system. How many degrees? My biggest problem with all these overeducated people is that they do not demonstrate basic common sense. Follow me. I asked a writer (Mr. Laase) if I can use his published article as my own to be published in the same newspaper? I cannot explain that one. Help!

Mr. Laase continues: But wouldn't you know it; Gary went on and misused my earlier commentary anyway. Later, I found it on his blog: http://garyabrams.wordpress.com/2009/09/29/ca/ without any written credit given in the piece.

This is stated at the end of my blog:

This is an excerpt from an article published in thefrontpageonline on April 07, 2008. Only the names and dates have been changed. Again Mr. Laase has misrepresented the facts. Must be those pure California genes?

I have no need to attempt to destroy or character assassinate Mr. Laase. I think he has done that to himself. Are you the best that the “Machine” can produce?

I emailed Mr. George Laase one final time, and that was to ask him why he waited until after the election to publish his piece about Measure EE below? He never gave me an answer. Which I wasn’t expecting anyway.


Mr. Laase wrote:

I enjoyed his use of fuzzy math in his analysis. But, if I remember right, wasn't he given a Volunteer of the Year award by one of our elementary schools?

Boy, I hope it didn't involve tutoring students in mathematics.

My role in the classroom is not to take over as educator. I teach the kids principles, such as responsibility, courage, truthfulness, civility and honesty, which seems to be foreign words to a lot of Californians. I think you could benefit from a few of my sessions. You will need to sign a waiver allowing me to use corporal punishment though. (You might still have a chance).

Mr. Laase wrote:

To show just how shortsighted Gary can be, does he truly believe that by just having the Superintendent force Maya Cohn back onto the varsity soccer team, and to make a varsity coach accept her, or any player, onto their team, that that would guarantee her playing time?

If that were to occur, the only thing that would happen is Ms. Cohn would watch the slow and splintered death of her varsity career while sitting on the bench.

Mr. Laase, it is apparent that you just do not get it. I cannot control what unpredictable (crazy) people do. If a coach withholds one of his best players because he can, for no real reason, and get away with it, then what else can I say.

A Culver City Middle School coach did that once to two students and boy did he hear it from me. I am sure he will think five times before he does that again, believe me. He was so shaken up that he made an excuse to back out of a meeting with me and Dr. Jerry Kosch, the principal, at that time. I will write about the problem with this type of coaching practice.

Last and final words for Mr. Laase.

I have read a lot of your past articles.

Some are mean spirited and factually incorrect. Most concerned School Board issues. What is your motivation for attacking me and Mr. “Z”?

Since you have alienated yourself with them, are you attempting to get back in favorable grace with the “Machine.”

I do not take kindly to being attacked by any one. Maybe you are ignorant of the facts.

I will give you one piece of friendly advice. If you do not know about me, then maybe you should ask someone?

Mr. Abrams, a former School Board candidate, may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com