Home OP-ED Resolving a Complicated Depression Problem

Resolving a Complicated Depression Problem


When I received a call from the father of a man suffering schizophrenia and depression, his 36-year-old son was sitting at home also depressed, uncomfortable because of meds that had been prescribed for him.

The father was concerned for his son and wanted to help. We set an appointment, but it was canceled when his son was hospitalized for a three-day observation. This was not the first time.

I was glad that the father had called because I  already had in my mind what I was willing to do to help this potential client. I explained it was imperative that his son remained on the same meds.

My research showed hypnotherapy would help him. No contra indications were seen. Patients continued with a program of hypnosis longer than other less effective therapies.

Hypnotherapy would help him relax, adjust to the new feelings resulting from the medication and his depression would decline. I made it clear this was the only way I could help. Father and son agreed to my proposal.

The state says that hypnotherapy may be used for vocational and avocational change. Issues of a psychological or psychogenic origin should be referred to a medical practitioner. While the illness was out of my realm, I am able to train him to be less depressed. It is safe to hypnotize as long as there is no brain damage (which could have been caused by a physical accident, or by ingesting the wrong kind of drugs), and there is no psychotic swing, (A hypnotic swing is when a client’s upper torso and head begin to sway, clockwise or counterclockwise. Hypnosis must stop immediately. Continuing could cause irreparable damage. This is the only time hypnosis may cause harm.)

Meet an Exception

Much as I would like to believe hypnosis will resolve any issue, sadly that is not true. Many persons turn to hypnotherapy only to find it did not work.  This is true in some instances. Hypnosis cannot cure all ailments. It can help you to feel better, more energetic, reduce pain, induce deeper relaxation, help you sleep better. Hypnosis cannot fix broken limbs or damaged organs, but it will speed up recovery time, help you deal with pain and boost your immune system.

I have a particular interest in this illness. My cousin suffers from schizophrenia, though thankfully for him he lives in Europe where his medical care is free and where he has been successfully diagnosed and medicated. He lives a reasonably active normal life.

Hypnosis will help my new client, but it is important for him to ensure that he takes his medication, which reduces the amount of dopamine released into the system. Schizophrenia sufferers cannot regulate the dopamine produced in their systems, causing hallucinations, to hear voices or other kinds of delusions.

I hope this client has a clear desire to live a normal life. With the help of his doctor, his family and hypnotherapy, before long he will be on his way. 

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net