Home OP-ED Republican Strategist Brought in to Help Parks in Supervisor Race

Republican Strategist Brought in to Help Parks in Supervisor Race


The BizFed, a new political action committee set up to elect candidates who put big business and other special interests ahead of average citizens, has hired Republican top-gun Steve Kinney to help elect Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks to the County Board of Supervisors on Nov. 4.

Mr. Kinney has been a top strategist and pollster for the National Republican Congressional Committee and for several Republican governors, congressmembers and legislators.

Mr. Kinney’s firm, Public Opinion Strategies, conducted a poll on the Supervisors’ race between Aug. 10 and Aug. 12.

The poll found that Mr. Parks continues to trail his rival, state Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas (D-Culver City), and that even after an unbalanced and inaccurate barrage of attacks against Sen. Ridley-Thomas, the race would be within the statistical margin of error.

But that is too close for comfort, and we need Democratic activists to help fight back.

Call 323.733.2002 to sign-up to volunteer for Sen. Ridley-Thomas for Supervisor.

Mr. Parks is supported by Republican leader Shawn Steele, the former Chair of the California Republican Party, Supervisor Mike Antonovich, L.A.’s highest ranking Republican officeholder, and the Lincoln Club, one of the most powerful and extreme right-wing Republican organizations.

All are also supporters of Republican President George Bush.

Mr. Parks consistently stands with business interests at the expense of L.A.’s working families, and even voted against paying airport area hotel workers a living wage.

In contrast, Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas, who serves as Sen. Barack Obama's Campaign Co-Chair in California, is proud to be a community organizer and is the only candidate endorsed by the Democratic Party.

Sen. Ridley-Thomas is also endorsed by the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor and dozens of its affiliate unions, teachers, firefighters, the Sierra Club, NOW, the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters and dozens of elected Democratic leaders from the local level all the way up to Lt. Gov. John Garamendi, Controller John Chiang and Treasurer Bill Lockyer.

Sen. Ridley-Thomas is also supported by business leaders who believe in investing in people, including the President of the National Association of Women Business Owners.

We cannot allow the Republican establishment to take control of Los Angeles County.

Mr. Bauman is chair of the County Democratic Party.