First, I would like to state that I am for fixing our schools and anyone that suggests otherwise is a liar!
So it looks like our elected officials are “bond and determined” on just putting their own, more expensive $106M bond measure, as the public’s only choice on next June’s ballot.
Having Choices is Good
Why shouldn’t the public, since we are the ones who are really going to be paying for their bond, be offered a choice in how we want to pay for the much needed upgrading our schools’ infrastructure? The Board's ballot scenario of “Our way or no way” is not really a choice. It’s going to be our money; why shouldn't it be our choice?
If the board’s bond proposal is such a great fiscal deal for the community, why not offer voters another ballot choice of a less costly option, a $105M parcel tax?
Or why not decide to reduce the GO bond to a much more community-friendly and affordable amount of around $75M?