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Quick, Change the Climate Before Climate Change Arrives


Re “The First Time the Daily News Made Us Chuckle. Unintentionally
You always can tell when the left is lying. The boys are forced to make name-changes, a tactic borrowed long ago from the circus.
You know about abortion converting to “reproductive rights.”
When gay marriage failed to gain traction, the boys switched scripts began selling “marriage equality” to the peasants. Presto, they sold both scams.
After all, if President Obama can convene a White House summit on “extreme terrorism” and ban any mention of Muslims who commit 100 percent of the terrorism, by golly it is possible that the sky is down and the ground is up.
When your principles are as firm as a tall diet coke, as interchangeable as Florida weather is with Scandanavia’s, the bother is brief.
Those sly dogs clinging to the tip of the left-most branch of Western civilization are back with my favorite scam.
A gullible journalist from the Los Angeles Daily News, Steve (Land o’ Goshen, Ah Do Believe) Scauzillo, recently sat down at a feast of rubbery data, peppered with salty disguises, gulped down maximum mouthfuls, stood up and declared: Ah do believe in global warming.
First it was necessary to flip the scripts. Leftists around the world needed to dismount from their former campaign of apocalyptic global cooling, feed their horses a diet of new baloney, remount and start selling end-of-the-world global warming. These boys are the worthy successors of funny-dressed would-be preachers who used to haunt these same street corners selling Doomsday novels.
Lawdy, Ah do believe.
Mr. Scauzillo opened his lengthy half-page mocking plea for new believers last Friday in the Daily News.
Who knows what he was selling.
As a sycophantic liberal, he followed the teleprompter flawlessly, ignoring all the lies and phony data global warmies have been pitching since the ‘90s. According to these fallible preachers, the world was to have ended about 50 times by now.
Never mind. Back to the Mr. Scauzillo’s apparent imitation of Brian Williams.
He said 98 percent of scientists are global warmies. He was off by 97 percent.
Then he knocked Republican skeptics, the favorite hammer of gullible leftist medicine men.
The presumed purpose of his sales pitch was to help a reformed chemistry professor convert normal people into global warmies through a series of town halls in Southern California and elsewhere.
In case you doubt the validity of this “science,” Mr. Scauzillo mentioned casually, without trumpet sounds, that global warming, forced to change to climate change, now, two scams later, has converted to “global climate change.”
C’est l’vie.