Home OP-ED Pushing Back Against BP

Pushing Back Against BP


Dateline Dayton — The BP dealers in the Dayton area are advertising on radio that we should support our neighbors and friends by purchasing fuel at a BP station. I can’t bring myself to do that.

Yes, I feel sorry for the franchisee and his employees. However, until corporate is willing to really deal with their internal problems, I can’t support their stations.

If BP really wanted to make a statement, they would have fired Tony Hayward early in the process, along with anyone else responsible for the poor decision that led to the environmental disaster in the Gulf and its handling.

Tony repeatedly manifested his indifference to the plight of the residents and business owners along the Gulf Coast by thoughtless comments and actions.

Now that he has his “life” back. He doesn’t need to deal with the problems and still has a position with BP, along with a hefty pension. Every day the residents and business owners along the Gulf are still dealing with his incompetence.

I do not feel sorry for Mr. Hayward.

His inept leadership was responsible for today’s problems.

BP did not have a strong environmental record prior to Mr. Hayward. Although safety was going to be a high priority in his regime, something must have gotten in the way, like greed. I hope the change in leadership is not just band-aid, and that BP will work to clean up their tarnished record.

I realize BP could, and would, exist even if there weren’t BP stations in the United States. If they want my business, they must show me action, not the verbiage they have been feeding me via the media.

Show me the money being paid to those who have been hurt, not words.

Shirley, We Will Find Out

Much has been written about Shirley Sherrod, the fired U.S. Agriculture Dept. employee, the past couple weeks.

From the start of this saga, I have wondered who pushed the panic button?

We know Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack did the firing, but who gave the command? Was he the responsible party? Or did someone within the Obama administration insist on her being fired?

Tom Vilsack should be fired for not investigating the matter fully, no matter who gave the order. How can he be expected to make important decisions when he doesn’t take time to get all the facts in this simple personnel situation?

In this day, we need leaders who can think before they act. If he was the fall guy in this scenario, both need to go; Mr. Vilsack for not having the gumption to stand up to the individual giving the order, even if it was the President.

Baby, This May Make You Grimace

Mr. Mills Jr., the sometimes-father I have written about before, had his day in court.

Unfortunately, two days weren’t enough time to complete the proceedings, so the Judge continued the case until Aug. 31. At first, I questioned why Judge Kuntz was delaying the closing arguments for such a long time. Then it came to me. Mr. Mills will now need to continue the saintly behavior his character witnesses said he had been demonstrating since he became a changed man following his release from prison for abusing the mother of Baby Vanessa.

Two weeks ago, this loving father was supposed to get another of his all-expense-paid trips to California.

This unemployed individual was too busy to go and visit the child he wants so badly. Again, the taxpayers of Montgomery County were left holding the bag. The tickets already had been purchased.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net