Home OP-ED Pre-Existing Conditions Should Be Eliminated

Pre-Existing Conditions Should Be Eliminated


[Editor’s Note: This marks Mr. Rad’s debut commentary on the insurance industry. Hereafter, his essayswill appear every Monday.]

I would like to share my ideas about health care reform, and I want to make it clear that this is my idea only.

I would like to hear everyone’s’ opinions to help our government achieve a proper health care system as well.

Having basic health insurance, I believe, should be mandatory.

Otherwise, we can’t remove pre-existing conditions from health insurance.

If we don’t make health insurance mandatory and remove those pre-existing conditions, our insurance companies will become bankrupt within several years.

In my opinion, it is better to have both private and government health insurance available to the public and let people choose.

We have to allow people who are not legal to buy health insurance because they are presently living here and using our health system right free of cost.

We have a system to collect tax from illegal residents.

But they can’t buy health insurance even though they can use our health system.

Each day we have medical centers claiming bankruptcy because we have a system with flaws.

I have a proposal for our employers and employees in order to solve the health problem.

We have a system to collect social security from our employees, and employers have to match it.

I want to know why don’t we use a similar system for health insurance?

Mr. Rad, a veteran of the insurance industry, may be contacted at www.ebrahimrad.nylagents.com