Home OP-ED Poverty Is a Huge Winner for Democrat Candidates

Poverty Is a Huge Winner for Democrat Candidates


What else would you expect during the happily waning days of America’s first openly racist attorney general, rednecked Eric Holder?

According to a growing number of federal judges, ain’t hardly no black Americans, no Hispanic Americans who possess driver’s licenses. Anywhere in our country. Too darned grindingly poor.

For months, left-wing judges repeatedly have ruled that it is discriminatory – racist, I tell you – to require black Americans and Hispanic Americans to prove they really are who they say they are when they go to vote, Junior G. Man, Marilyn Monroe, Willie Sutton, Murgatroyd Supergirl. Why? Because they are too poor to learn how to drive, too poor to walk downtown in their worn-out shoes, shrinking feet and bone-splintered legs, not to mention their threadbare clothes, to obtain proper ID.

Them there must be robots from Mars – dressed up to resemble ethnically diverse Americans – who are clogging our country’s streets with their fancy cars.

The Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Democrat party has been committing fraud at the polls for decades, registering human doorknobs under such amusing names as Alice I. Wonderland, Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse.
Must be the million-man reincarnation of Al Jolsen or Che Guevera whom I see i piloting other cars when traveling the boulevards of Los Angeles.

To hear the spate of left-wing judges rule in Voter ID cases, ain’t but a handful of blacks and Hispanics in this whole country who can afford a government-issued photo of themselves when they go to fraudulently register or vote. Do tell, your honor.

They are poor? You hear? They ain’t got no photographic identification to prove they really are Nicodemus Nobody, Fruitface Fizzle and other fanciful names the lifelong drones of the Democrat party have used when the latest mass voter registration bandwagon rolls through their modest hometowns.

How do you think Democrats get elected?

Early in the Obama administration, when Republicans gained the statehouses and legislative footholds in certain states with notorious election day traditions, they began tightening voting/registration rules to drain some of the riff-raff from Democratic rolls.

This very morning, the Los Angeles Titanic’s David Savage, who, as a loyal little liberal, prefers vagueness, gleefully reported that “Civil rights lawyers in Texas said 600,000 of its registered voters did not have the required identification.” Now you know how Democrats are elected in Texas.

Democrat voters in the states under scrutiny must be driving dead mules to work every day. Aptly named Mr. Savage quoted a Wisconsin judge saying as saying 300,000 “registered” voters, 9 percent, lacked driver’s licenses.

Shh. It must be very still in Wisconsin. A  bevy of its fraudulent residents drives horses, dogs and toy poodles down slickly paved highways ‘cause it is all dishonest Democrats can afford. Bow or wow?

Were I black or Hispanic, I would be insulted. Where is Democrat dignity?