Home OP-ED Please, Prezzie, What Did Ya Mean?

Please, Prezzie, What Did Ya Mean?


Isn’t it fascinating that Swish (Who Can Remember Everything?) Obama wordlessly slinked into the night last week after it was discovered he had lied about his late mother’s non-existent death bed tussle with a demonized insurance company?

He lacked the grace, unsurprisingly, to mouth “oops.”

Making up the fairy tale proved a darned effective I Feel Your Pain narrative during his campaign when he repeated the lie whenever he was seeking sympathy.

Aw, Ain’t It a Dirty Shame?

Housewives turned to each other and murmured, “That poor man.”

When one of Swishy’s most enduring lies — there are 564 to choose from — was bared in a new book by a former New York Times reporter, even that newspaper could not blow it off, as it commonly does with The Swisher. This time the fat green pimple on his Pinocchio nose was too obvious even for his sycophants to ignore.

The book handled The Swisher with the delicacy of a newborn, as 99 percent of television networks and 98 percent of newspapers, liberals all, do. Said the book: “Obama mischaracterized a central anecdote about his mother’s deathbed dispute with her insurance company.”

Mischaracterized? What a fancy verb.

Normally, Swish would slip away from an overt lie, like dirty water sliding down a hill, and his cheerleaders in the media would accidentally glance in the opposite direction.

Surrounded by documentation, the book’s author finally trapped the slippery eel.

Instead of prolonging the lie, as his instincts suggested, and suddenly realizing it could get ugly for one of the few times in his pampered, papered-over life, Swish did the manly thing. He excused himself and vanished.

Jay Carney, the President’s official mouth, told the few lonely inquiring reporters, “The White House declines to challenge.”

Gorgeous phraseology. By the time the rubes who vote for him get that concept interpreted, he will be off to a second term already.

Hmm, what a marvelously transparent leader we are blessed with.

(Deftly swinging their clumsy feet out of the way, the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, and cable’s MSNBC, somehow failed to report this story, stubbornly adhering to their policy of not reporting any information that potentially embarrasses the unembarrasable President.)

Please Give Me a Definition

Now that Swishy has harmlessly skidded by what could have been a huge blushing moment, perhaps he can sit down and explain for the first time what his (non-existent) budget plan is, after days of falsely implying that he has one.

He has been unblinkingly drowning since his campaign started 4 years ago last February, but he has more human shields (in the media and in the political corridors of Washington) than the whole armies of Hamas and Hezbollah and the Smiling Dwarf who seek to discourage normal people who are curious.

The brilliant thinker Tom Sowell, of the Hoover Institution at Stanford, has the guy nailed. He said this morning that the President’s first and only allegiance is to himself. “I never have believed he has the best interests of the American people at heart,” Mr. Sowell said.

Even left-wingers are forced to concede that Swishy is the first to take credit, and he has not yet shouldered responsibility for even a spilled glass a milk. (The cat knocked it over,” he frowningly charged.

Since he decided to devote the last two years of his term to shamelessly hawking his campaign for re-election, perhaps he will find time to explain my favorite nonsensical Obamaism, “leading from behind.” Please, Prezzie, put down the crayons and ‘splain us what you meant last March or April when you said we would be going to war against Libya for only several weeks.

May I use your rubbery calendar for my bill-paying?