Home OP-ED Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk


I suppose I’m not the only one who has, at times, been bothered by lack of sleep.

We know all the things we are supposed to do in preparation for a “good night’s sleep.” We try to get to sleep at the same time each night. We try not to watch TV or work on the computer before retiring. We try not to drink too many liquids before bedtime.

Okay, so what is new?

It’s something I call the TANPEW method, i.e.,∂.

Wait – crazier things have been suggested.

There are so many kinds of pillows out there: Soft, Firmer, Memory Foam, Smaller, Larger, Down, Bean-Filled, and You-Name-It.

Here’s the program:

For the first 3 days of the trial week, no sleep aids allowed – just the trial pillow. Then, for the last 4 days, a Tylenol PM or Simply Sleep, or other over-the-counter sleep aid, coupled with the trial pillow, is permitted – start with one pill, and only take two the next night if one does not help at all.

Keep a log of the number of hours slept vs. awake during an approximate 8-hour period from the time your head hits the pillow until you get out of bed in the morning.

Keep a log of your “qualitative” reaction(s) to the trial pillow for each night’s sleep.

Keep a log of your sleeping position relative to each night’s sleep. Better on the left side? The right side? On your back?

Keep a log of how many pillows you slept with – one, two or three – relative to the quality of your night’s sleep.

Finally, let me know what happens to your sleep. Why? Because I’m going to try this pillow experiment this week, and I don’t want to go it alone.

Sleep tight.
