Home OP-ED Payroll Tax Cut: Shut Your Left Eye. Here Comes the Wool

Payroll Tax Cut: Shut Your Left Eye. Here Comes the Wool


We are darned lucky the Left controls all of the electronic media except Fox and all but three or four print newspapers the breadth of the land. Otherwise, we would  not be enjoying this week’s phony red-faced debate over the faux payroll tax cut.

We are equally fortunate the Left’s gilded contribution to the dumbing down of public schools was launched several decades ago when we received that magnificent gift targeted for “minorities and the poor,” known euphoniously as New Math:

Two-plus-two equals five.

Or seven.

Or three.

Whatever fits most comfortably, pal, with your understandably skidding self-esteem.

Owing to the Left’s unrelenting grip on the establishment media, allowing them to determine the national agenda, New Math made a comeback this week when our esteemed but often disingenuous President told a stunned nation:

“A two-month payroll tax cut is preferable to a one-year payroll tax cut for 160 million hardworking Americans even though a few weeks ago I argued I wanted a payroll tax cut for a full year.”

This is not complicated, and the only trickery is embedded in the media. Between phony, lying Democrats and their sycophants in the print and electronic media, they are impressively convincing duped Americans a reduction for 60 days is healthier for their pocketbooks than a 365-day cut, starting Jan. 1.

Only a liberal could whiz-bang that kind of New Math. This juvenile claim harms  their ongoing bid to be taken seriously and regarded as normal.

Angry Swishy’s silly statement hereby renews his credentials as an irretrievable boob for the next 12 months. Not even tax-addled President Lightweight could live long enough to make a more ignorant statement.

Swishy’s boast is dripping with such unprofessional stupidity because we are told it would take our beloved government more than two months to implement the tax cut if it is not renewed before Dec. 31. 

Remanded to the Penalty Box

Every American who shakes his head and says “I agreed” is so inexplicably ignorant he should be barred from voting next year.

This is nutty. Embarrassing. Unworthy of a grownup. Our five-year-old grandson can determine that a pay boost for one year is more desirable than a pay boost for 60 days.

The U.S. Senate passed the 60-day payroll tax cut 89 to 10 last Saturday, then scooted out of Washington at jet speed. House leadership has balked ever since the senators staged their bizarre vote. Meanwhile, a preponderance of polls shows those mean-spirited Republicans and their  conservative allies don’t care about “hardworking American families.”

If I had made that argument as a schoolboy, I never would have been allowed to graduate grammar school.

How easy it is for the Left to fool eagerly gullible Americans.

The Left is so confident of its trickery that the mischief-makers are making fun of their dupes even before get out of sight.

Such a farce.