Home OP-ED Pass on Gas Today, Says an Activist

Pass on Gas Today, Says an Activist


Don’t pump gas today.

In April of 1997, there was a “gas out” conducted nationwide in protest of gas

Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.

All day today, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.50 a gallon in
most places.

There are 73 million-plus American members currently on the
internet network, and the average car takes about $30 to $50 to fill up.

If all users did not go to the pump today, it would take $2,292,000,000.00 (that’s almost $3billion) out of the pockets of oil companies for just one day.

So do not go to the gas station, and let’s try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil
industry for at least one day.

Alice Kincaid is the Independent Consultant-Area Manager for Arbonne International in Winchester, and she may be reached at
or 951.926.0943.