Home OP-ED Parks’s Advice on How to Stay Safe on Halloween

Parks’s Advice on How to Stay Safe on Halloween


[Editor’s Note: From the Daily News, the Los Angeles City Councilman passes along practical advice for and about this evening’s Halloween visitors.]

While Halloween is exciting time for kids and adults, before you start knocking on doors and shouting, “Trick or Treat!” absorb this checklist of safety tips.

Know the Route

• Plan out your route ahead of time. Avoid poorly lit areas.

• Stick with neighborhoods you know.

•Only go to houses that are lit.

• Provide the oldest child with a cell phone. Make certain he or she knows how to call 9-1-1.

• Instruct children on what to do and where to go if they become separated from the pack.

Safety Tips

• Start trick or treating early. Take advantage of evening light.

• Put name and full address inside of costumes in case kids get lost and are too young to know where they live.

• Bring a flashlight or two when trick-or-treating.

• Make sure your porch is well-lighted for incoming trick-or-treaters.

• Have two adults supervise when trick-or-treating. It’s more fun as a team.


• All pumpkin-carving should be done on a flat surface.

• Adults should supervise all carving.

• Heavy carving should be done by parents.

• No candles in pumpkins. Use a disposable/battery-poweredlight instead.

• Use a pumpkin-carving kit. The carving saws require less force, hence less chance someone will be seriously injured.

Good Form and Etiquette

• Make the kids go to the bathroom before they leave the house.

• Attend an event at your local organization. Load up on candy and Halloween fun that way.

• No long or baggy costumes equals no tripping.

• Avoid masks. It’s tough for the wee ones to see at night as it is.

• Wear comfortable sneakers. Your Halloween crew is going to do a fair amount of walking.

Ready, Set, Go

• Walk, don’t run.

• Watch out for cars at all times.

• Cross only at corners.

• Get out of the car on the curb side, not the street side.

• Walk, don’t run. This will require repeated reminders.

Mr. Parks may be contacted at bernardparks.com