Home OP-ED Pardon Me While I Mount My Favorite Soapbox

Pardon Me While I Mount My Favorite Soapbox


Dateline Dayton — Went to get my soapbox today, only to find it has became very worn. The box belonged to my Uncle Paul, who used it as a step for getting in and out of the back of his van. He attached a rope to the box so he could easily retrieve it from either the van or the ground.

Since soapboxes no longer are made of wood, I turned to my trusty computer to see if there were instructions on how to make a new box. While there were no instructions on a new soapbox, there was interesting information. If inclined, you might want to lookup “soapbox” on your computer. How about this: Computers are replacing the soapbox. Gee, I believe that’s what I am doing!

Why all the interest in my soapbox? I believe my soapbox will be getting a lot use in the future. I need a new one, maybe with a step. It would be easier for me to get on and off in my old age. Possibly I should even install a handrail?

First, I’m back to my long-held position that raising children should require a license. Please note that it’s not just for having children but for anyone entrusted with their care.

Ultimate Confinement

Here’s a strange case: Grandparents were raising three children, two boys and a girl. The girl was kept in the bathroom from the age of three. She ate there; she slept there and spent her days there. Now get this: She did attend school and was a good student. Her brothers appeared to have a normal life, if having your sister locked in a bathroom can be considered normal.

The boys’ friends often would ask about their sister. But they would not receive a response. It was as if they had been brainwashed. Finally at the age of nine, the girl said something to a teacher at school. All the children have been removed from the grandparents’ home.

As with any situation of this nature, the story has another twist. The biological parents and the other grandparents want the children. Where were they for six years of this young girl’s life? None of these individuals appears to me to be candidates to receive a license to raise children.

I realize this is not a Christian attitude. But so-called grandparents should be required to live together in that same bathroom, for the same amount of time as the child.

On the Subject of Protesting

Next issue – I can’t believe that only one member of our Supreme Court could find that grieving families deserve respect at a funeral. What has this country become? Yes, I believe in the freedom of speech; however there is a time and a place, and a funeral for anyone, even a politician, especially a solider, is not the time or place, to protest, whatever the cause may be of the controversial and tiny Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, or any who believe as they do.

Case in point: The Westboro people, from what they call a church, might even consider themselves to be Christians, picketing and protesting at funerals of fallen soldiers.

It is time we, the majority, take back our country. We are in our present shape due to the lack of integrity of the politicians we send to Washington. It’s time we demand a change or get them out!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net