Home OP-ED One of the Three Stooges Survived. Who Knew?

One of the Three Stooges Survived. Who Knew?


Re “Governor Did Not Need a Gun to Pull Off This Snazzy Holdup

We are told that the $11 billion water bond, ostensibly the impetus for the budget tomfoolery, shortly will be kicked off the ballot by our slippery legislators because it has no chance of passing. Therefore, Flat Tire’s scam, a constitutional amendment, would take over first place on the ballot. –
July 4, Media Beat.

File away the name Henry Tom Perea in the drawer marked “Stooge.” A bought-and-paid 35-year old Democrat (find the shock) Assemblyboy from Fresno, he earns his check by obsequiously running errands for Gov. Flat Tire.

A mere 24 hours after the above words appeared, the boy geniuses in the state Assembly voted 69 to 6 and the boy geniuses in the Senate kowtowed 34 to 2 to approve Mr. Perea’s insidious bill, A.B. 1422.

This was a naked, deceitful stunt, even for the most cynical boys in state politics.


By the darnedest coincidence, Mr. Perea’s sneakily timed bill – as we explained two days ago – knocked an $11 billion water bond off the November ballot, clearing the way for Gov. Tire’s controversial tax hike to zoom to the coveted first line of the November ballot, whizzing past hated rival Molly Munger’s tax hike.

Aren’t We Thieves?

Neither the governor, Stooge Perea nor any other slick minded Sacramento Democrat had any intention of letting the water bond tiptoe onto the ballot, causing the sainted governor’s initiative to be shoved down lower on the ballot, where it would have less chance of winning.

When you are governor, and you longer are weighted down with a conscience, you always can bank on Da Boys to shlep your water.

Mind you, all of this underhanded slime happened almost faster than it takes to drive from Culver City to Sacramento – without the aid of the dumb kopf governor’s next scheduled boondoggle, the bullet train.

Flat Tire’s toy twain ranks right there alongside global climate warming change and pretty plastic bags as the Democrats’ most ignominious ideas of the season. All we need now is for the U.S. Supreme Court to certify ObamaCare. Oh, they did? You would have to be a liberal to believe this.

Maybe Assemblyboy Perea can write another bill. This one would knock out ObamaCare in California, that embarrassing, power-seizing, government-copntrolled legislation for all of us who are not friends of Barry, lucky enough to slide away with waivers that excuse us.