Home OP-ED On Veterans Day. I Look Back and Wish Again

On Veterans Day. I Look Back and Wish Again


[img]2858|right|||no_popup[/img]We are a country at war. But if you ask the average American his plans for Veterans Day, they have nothing to do with honoring the truly few who interrupted their lives to fight and die for our country. As we approached this day to honor those who fight today and those who have fought in all our wars, our military is being slashed to the very bone.

Many who volunteered to fight are being shown the door with little acknowledgement from their fellow citizens. Please do not say that you support the soldiers but not the wars they fight because that rings so hollow to me as a Vietnam veteran that I want to knock your butt out.

Of course if you are a politician you will make an obligatory visit to Arlington or another veterans’ cemetery and lay a taxpayer paid-for wreath on a grave or monument. Want to truly honor veterans, political ladies and gentlemen (in some cases I use these terms loosely)? Get your butts over to Walter Reed or a veterans hospital. Leave the cameras behind, meet the true wreckage of war and then make sure you are providing everything needed to put them back together while trying to pick up a little of the spirit that made them stand-up on a battlefield while you debated whether their cause was worth it.
You Guys!

You bloodsuckers in Hollywood who damn our wars and then make movies painting us as wacko criminals or just take the opportunity to impersonate real heroes, quit claiming you know something about the reality of war. Real soldiers have no stuntmen to take the crashes and falls for them. They do not get shot at with blanks. Don't play a POW and claim you “understand” just because you spent the night in county jail for a DUI. Let a real POW take you to school on the subject before you even dream of portraying one. By the way, if you have ever tried to compare that bunch of loony war criminals locked up in Cuba to any American POW do not even think of portraying me in one of your movies.

If you think that Veterans Day is just family picnic day, how about at least bowing your heads in a moment of prayer for those still fighting before you gorge your fat bodies on another side of ribs? If you want to dance with flowers in your hair naked down through the streets of San Francisco with Nancy Pelosi applauding, how about picking another day? A recent poll shows you sickos turn the stomachs of most fighting-men worldwide.

I would ask my fellow combat vets to request anyone giving money to a wannabe veteran in front of Walmart to simply say thank you instead to a uniformed soldier in the airport next time they fly.

He Is a Fake

That slug in front of Walmart wearing an old uniform shirt begging for money does not have enough personal pride to have ever successfully donned the uniform and fought for our country.

If you know a veteran simply think about him today. Maybe even give him a call and just ask him how he is doing. He will appreciate you thinking of him. If you know someone who died in war or passed away later think about driving by and check to make sure there is a flag on his final resting place. God will bless you for that.

This Veterans Day I am in a foreign land, but I will call my veteran brethren here locally and send messages to those far from me. I hate the fact too many times these days that call I delayed making comes too late and a fellow soldier I truly loved and respected had just passed away. Make the call today.

To my family, including my only child to ever wear the uniform, I say I honor you for your service to our country and thank you for supporting me through the rough years that allowed me to pursue my beloved duties on the battlefield.

I would not have missed one day of it if you had offered me all the money n the world in exchange. 

To those who stood beside me in battle, please do not forget while honoring our fallen brethren that war was also one heck of a fine ride through the mud and the blood of battle. There is nothing in this world that can match standing side by side with real men of purpose and honor.

I know the true question in the minds of the uninitiated to war is whether I carry any baggage from my wartime pursuits? I must admit that I do!
I miss it and my brave brethren every single day.

There is no civilian pursuit that can match the martial endeavor and the honor that it brings.  

God Bless You All My Brothers, and God Bless America!


There is no greater feeling in this world than to take out an enemy whose weapon is trained on your fellow soldier.

Maj. Mark (Zippo) Smith may be contacted at theziphmself@gmail.com