Home OP-ED Obama’s Nasty Take on LDS

Obama’s Nasty Take on LDS


Ever since it became evident last winter that Mitt Romney would be the GOP Presidential nominee, Swishy (Ah Am Blameless for Everything That Happens Before Tomorrow) Obama and his fellow Re-election Army thugs have viciously, openly battered Mr. Romney’s Mormon religion.

Brazenly, fearlessly his punk minions have trashed Mormonism as if the church were comprised of runaway terrorists..

Mr. Romney, the epitome of gentlemanliness, has shrugged away Mr. Obama’s onslaught of immature insults.

Would that his petulant, creepy, racist, lying opponent were as dignified.

The only person on the left ducking out of view at the Insult Firing Range when the chilling attacks ring out is the gutless President. He may have studied Courage under a onetime Westside Police Chief.

It is piercingly immoral – a direct attribution of the religiously fouled Obama administration – that gay animals have more rights in the President’s view than members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Where, praytell, is American outrage?

Sorry, boys. Wrong color, wrong religious belief to earn left-wing sympathy or support.

Do You Care? Show It.

While the lopsidedly dim Democrats in the state Legislature, including our hometown heroes, Sen. Curren D. Price Jr. (D-Culver City) and Assemblyperson Holly J. Mitchell (D-Culver City), grow excitedly cross-eyed and damp-haired every morning when a fellow lefty burps up the phrase “gay rights, ” we normal people confront truly scary scenarios that Mr. Price, Ms. Mitchell and the rest of the Sacramento circus do not care a fig about – attacks on Mormons. They would be in the streets all night if the remarks below had been made about gays. They might even retire and march fulltime.

Why now? While frozenhearted Democrats were consulting their betters – Stewart, Colbert, Maher, Letterman, the brains of the Obama administration – this headline was ripped from last Friday’s newspapers:

“Romney, Mormons Brace for a Mean Political Season.”

The left-wing Associated Press, of all unlikely Obama acolytes, moved a tame story that darned near edged toward the truth – the steady left-wing castigation of the church as an offbeat, oddball religion – before swiftly pulling back. The story lightly acknowledged a smattering of low-class bully boy insults. Mostly, the story wondered whether the supposedly parochial, supposedly secretive Mornons were ready for the international spotlight.

A Boatload of Aspirin

Lie down for a few minutes, dear reader, and then digest several samples of naked attacks on Mr. Romney for his religious belief. For fun, substitute Swishy for Mr. Romney. Ugly.

Saturday Huffington Post headline: How Did Mormons Grow So Fast? They Changed How They Counted

Huff Post: “If you suspected the newly released U.S. Religion Census overstated the Mormons’ growth rate, you were right. That’s because, this time around, the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints changed the way it reported its membership to the researchers. The once-a-decade study was assembled by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, which included self-reported data on adherents for 153 participating bodies.”


Bill Maher:
The largest donor to President Obama’s super PAC, called Mormonism a “cult” on his HBO show last month, and said that donating money to that religion doesn’t count as charity because it’s “bull-.” Maher has given the President’s super PAC a cool one million dollars.

Washington Post:
“The mere mention of Romney and the church’s ban on blacks is fraught. If he gets the nomination, the nation’s first Mormon Presidential nominee will challenge the first black President. Romney, the son of former Michigan Gov. George Romney, who had a strong record of civil rights activism, bears no responsibility for the doctrines of his church. But in the prolonged Mormon debate over whether the ban resulted from divine doctrine or inherited historical racism, Romney appears to have embraced the prevailing view: The ban was the word of God, and thus unalterable without divine intervention.”

NBC’s Tonight Show: Host Jay Leno last month asked Meet the Press host David Gregory if Mitt Romney’s religion would be fair game in the general election: “…with Obama….you know, ‘Oh, he’s a Muslim. He’s not a Christian.’ Do you think that Romney will get the same thing about his faith that Obama got?” While Gregory acknowledged Romney potentially becoming the Republican nominee would be “a huge moment for religious tolerance in the country,” he argued: “But I think it’s an issue. I mean, I think a lot of people have questions about the Mormon faith. There’s a lot of ignorance about the Mormon faith. And let’s be honest, this is the core of who Mitt Romney is….And yet, he doesn't talk about it.” Gregory detailed Romney's Mormon activism over the years: “He was a missionary in France for two years. He has been a bishop in the church, which, in the Mormon church, is effectively like a priest. Philanthropically, he's made huge contributions. He’s had a big impact on the church.” Further urging Romney to discuss his faith, Gregory proclaimed: “It’s the core of who he is, and yet he doesn't feel like it's safe to talk about….I’ve seen some polling that suggests even more Democrats than Republicans are uncomfortable with the notion of a Mormon president. I think he’s got to talk about that at some level….the Mormon faith this is a tremendous commitment that he has. And yet, I think he feels apprehensive about talking about it openly.”

Later, Leno asked about Obama and Romney accusing each other of being out of touch and Gregory touted the President's strategy of attack: “…he basically is going to tear down Romney as being a guy who’s going to take you back to the old, you know, Republican ways of cutting important programs and cutting taxes and helping out the rich. He’s sort of making him out to be sort of weird and out of touch. You know, he went after him for saying, as you said, the word ‘marvelous.’ Like, who uses that word?”

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/kyle-drennen/2012/04/06/nbcs-gregory-romneys-mormon-faith-issue-because-its-core-who-he#ixzz1uEduQ5Cr