Home OP-ED Obama Teaches Americans an Old Hobby: Stamp Collecting in Style Again.

Obama Teaches Americans an Old Hobby: Stamp Collecting in Style Again.


We found out last week how piercingly mean, how spiteful, how stunningly nasty the angry mainstream media will play when they believe one of their kind has been exposed — they would say “insulted” — by a prominent Republican.

On several occasions in recent days, Newt Gingrich has accurately branded Swish (I Am So Generous) Obama the Food Stamp President. Mr. Gingrich implied that under Mr. Obama’s Redistribute Everybody Else’s Wealth but Mine policies, an unprecedented number of Americans is collecting food stamps in lieu of working for a living.

It is true, but facts are like weeds to the Angry Left.

He Can’t Mean Us, Can He?

Black liberals rose as one against Mr. Gingrich. They burbled, harrumphed and said to each other, “He’s talking about us.” White liberals rose as one, burbled, harrumphed, and said to each other, “He’s talking about them.”

Before Mr. Gingrich finished speaking, black and white liberals turned to their slavish handmaidens in the media and ordered, “He must be punished.” After decades of training, everybody in Liberalville knows the drill without consulting the script.

The dutifully compliant Associated Press, at least as nasty, angry and vengeful as The New York Times and the Los Angeles Titanic, immediately after getting the directions from the White House, assigned one of its crack black reporters to prove that Mr. Gingrich was full of applesauce, to embarrass him as acutely and swiftly as, oh, say, the second former Mrs. Gingrich or the second former Mrs. Noonan.

I Pledge My Fealty to Left

The boys on the left have plenty of experience at venting puerile, unrelieved anger. But darn it, sometimes they are so nickel-spitting mad, so anxious to denigrate normal, contented, peace-loving Americans that the boys bungle their message. Red-faced and quivering, they have to ask each other, “Now what were we supposed to prove?” Remember, we are not dealing with the chief thinkers in society. They aren’t liberals because they are erudite.

Color Me Purple or White

By last Thursday night, the fulminating A.P. reporter had his story ready to be picked up nationwide by the news service’s hundreds of newspaper clients.

Bitterly, the revenge-chasing boys were trying unprove Mr. Gingrich’s arrogantly presumed implication that blacks are collecting food stamps at a record clip.

One other matter, the black A.P. reporter leading the We’ll Get Even team was told that only a photo of a white food stamp recipient was to be sent out with the We Are White and Poor and Proud story.

When you are motivated daily by race-obsession, producing the desired, calculated results should be easy.

Sure enough, the picture sent out over the wire is of one unlucky but darned proud white woman, Victoria Busby of Oklahoma City. She is portrayed with her sleeping white baby while colorfully dressed in her latest garb from who knows where, mumbling that, by thunder, she is not ashamed to be collecting food stamps from Food Stamp Obama. “I don’t feel bad about it,” burbles Vickie Baby who has birthed two children on welfare, “because my children need to eat.”

Yeah, Vickie Baby, you tell us with enviable down-home pride there is no need to be shamed as long as you can get pregnant, are unhitched and have people like Food Stamp Obama, President Excess, bowing to serve you. In case we read the photo caption in Braille, the story helpfully pointed out that blonde, blue-eyed and (at the moment) unpregnant Vickie Baby is white. What a sweet role model.

Normally, liberals would scold others for pointing out a boob’s ethnicity. But when the bigots are trying to prove, dripping with curdling revenge, how hateful their cultural rivals are, well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

The, uh, black reporter, under orders, pointed out the ethnicity of each of the food stamp recipients from the Food Stamp President identified in the story. Carefully and under threat, he gave more examples of whites than blacks benefitting from food stamps from the Food Stamp President

The front page headlines in last Friday’s Daily News dutifully read:

Food stamp recipients fight back

As aid becomes issue, poor say: Walk in our shoes.

Darn. My parents must have goofed when they trained me to be upwardly mobile instead of downwardly mobile.

The Gotcha opening paragraph, containing numerous de classe liberal buzzwords designed to antagonize, is intended to be an unforgettable slap to the chops of Mr. Gingrich:

“Some have degrees and remembers middle-class lives. Some work selling lingerie or building websites. They are white, black and Hispanic, young and old, homeowners and homeless. What they have in common: They’re all on food stamps.”

Yeah, let’s all get lazy at the same time.

Who knew that under the Food Stamp President virtually half of God’s children in America are ranked in the poverty category? Who knew that it would become culturally desirable, a sign of having made it, to be work-averse and greedily collect food stamps from normal people who pay their taxes and their bills and even find time to squeeze in job?

What a blessing you are, Mr. Food Stamp President.

But this story would not be complete without the Food Stamp President’s articulate mantra:

“Ain’t my fault. Bush did it.”

On direction from the White House, the Associated Press story obediently included this crucial paragraph for Obama-style spite to absolve Food Stamp Obama of even incidental blame:

“Some critics say the Obama administration’s policies have pushed people into dependency on food stamps. Eligibility rues were broadened in 2002 and 2008 before Obama took office. His 2009 stimulus package relaxed some work requirements and temporarily increased payouts.”

Go ahead, George W. Bush, and plead guilty. Yer outnumbered, pal. Admit you started the Civil War, caused the Great Derpression, teed off the Communists to ignite the Korean War and not only that, you are a registered Republican. You may not collect stamps from Food Stamp Obama. Next, please.