Home OP-ED Obama Healthy for Your Funnybone, but Not for What Ails You

Obama Healthy for Your Funnybone, but Not for What Ails You


Obamacare is one of my favorite bedtime stories from the comic book administration of historically illiterate Swish Obama. The massive 2,000-page document — of which Swish never has read more than several pages and does not comprehend — would be a laugh riot in public policy were it not for the number of senior Americans it will kill, bankrupt or plunge into irreversible despair.

Shockingly, Swish is incapable of delivering a casual 5-minute discourse on Obamacare’s contents because he does not understand it. He and City Councilman Scott Malsin had the same influence on developing Obamacare’s contents.

We have learned to expect little — except a travel tab — from a faux President who championed the absurd notion of “leading from behind”?

A child of privilege and a lifelong stranger to the work ethic, the narcissistic President turns into an amazing fraud, a shameless chameleon, when inspected from close range.

As a centerpiece of Mr. Obama’s bald scheme to redistribute America’s wealth, Obamacare is Comedy Central without the hillbilly accents.

The latest punchline is the humorous concept of waivers. Yes, it is the most unassailable, utterly irresistible patch of public policy since Social Security, Democrats swore to us, but, well, some people need to be excused from it for awhile.

Only a scam artist like the President could openly engineer that kind of ruse.

The soft-cheeked Obama sycophants at the Los Angeles Titanic reported on Saturday that the administration — Lordy, Lordy, Daddy Obama, How We Lowly Ones Love You, How We Worship You, How We Need You — has decided to end the waiver program in September.

There is something Weiner-esque about this daylight holdup.

Ever since this contraption was slimily passed 15 months ago today, the administration has been giving its friends hall passes while sticking it to normal people.

The We Take Care of Our Pals Division at the White House quietly has excused 1,433 employers and unions so far from Obamacare.

These gilded grubbers can legally ignore this wonderful, delightful, desirable program until 2014, by which time Swish won’t need them. By ’14, the boob will be out of the White House or he will have been safely re-elected.

As toadstools for labor unions, the Titanic chose not to tell readers a tasty morsel, that most of the 1,433 lucky stiffs are unions, the President’s main money boys.

Well, yes, Obamacare is the greatest gift to mankind since Lincoln freed the slaves, but, cough, cough, Boss Obama, some of da boys need to be excused.

So which is it, Swish? Is this a lump of underappreciated gold or another one of your slippery heists?

Several precious nuggets in the Titanic story by Noam (I Love My President, By Golly, I Really, Really Do) Levey merit honorable mention.

Try to swallow this paternalistic exercise in chubris and Obamagance (formerly known as arrogance):

“Steve Larsen, who oversees the federal waiver process, said Friday that the administration decided to stop taking new waiver applications after concluding that most plans that would need waivers already had applied for them.”

How can they possibly know? Another arrogant we-know-you-better-than-you-know-you Obamaism that is stinkifying the land.

Mr. Levey notes that Republicans have made two charges: The waivers show this dingbat law is unworkable, and the Health Dept., led by nutty Kathleen (I May Be a Little Off) Sebelius, is hiding the names of employers who were denied waivers.

Both accusations are demonstrably true, but Titanic readers were assured of the opposite.

Like a good liberal, Mr, Levey scrounged up a “nonpartisan” source to defend his claims. He did not quote. He interpreted. He says the “nonpartisan” Government Accounting Office reported that “there was no evidence to support the GOP charge, concluding instead that employers that (sic) were denied waivers did not show that the annual limit requirement would substantially increase premiums.”

Noam, pal, old chap, dear, dear friend — you chose not to answer the question. Yes, Republicans are correct, the names of the denied are not revealed — and you have fibbed again.

You should wonder no more how Swish will be re-elected when you have people covering for him this way.