Home OP-ED Now This Was a One-Time-Only Moving Experience

Now This Was a One-Time-Only Moving Experience


Dateline Dayton – We held our moving sale last weekend.

I took off work Tuesday and Thursday to get things organized, and that was not time enough. From the beginning, I knew I never would be able to get everything but the larger items priced. With this in mind I advertised the sale as a Picker’s Sale. Be prepared to make offers.

My ad, along with my son putting a note on Craig’sList worked. Oh, did the people come! Although the sale was not to start until 9 on Friday, people began streaming in at 7 o’clock, and they were prepared to buy.

Someone always was looking for me to get a price, ask a question, or help with moving an item. We did very well, moving a lot of merchandise – except for the larger pieces.

I had some spray paint cans, with a little left, along with lawn chemicals and stuff you would find in a garage. These items were free. Between a man and a woman, they nearly emptied the cabinet. This helped me because now I don't have to find the proper way to dispose of them. The lady I mentioned also purchased many items from around the house, which I would have left or hauled away.

On Saturday we were able to sell some of the larger items, the curio cabinet and the washer/dryer. I was glad to see the curio cabinet go. It was so heavy. But the couple who bought it were totally unprepared to move it. The glass in one door broke. But that was minor.

Sunday we sold the refrigerator that was in the garage, along with two racks I had built. We sold the grandfather clock to a couple who always had wanted one. Nice to see these pieces go to people who appreciate them.

Don't know if I would ever do such a sale again. So much work. The people who put sales on for a living and auctioneers who must organize merchandise have my respect.

Sure wouldn't advertise another event as a Picker's Sale. Nothing is sacred. One lady was carrying the toilet tissue for the bathroom, and a gentleman ended up with my wallet. Now I don't carry a wallet and it didn't have anything really important in it, but I don't know how he got it. He did return the wallet, saying he got it in a box. Wonder what else was in the box ?

Now we must dispose of the remaining items. Some will go to a friend’s garage sale. The rest will be donated.

Still don't have a closing date for the house, which is probably good, although I have to have things cleaned out this weekend.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net