Home OP-ED Now Obama’s Goons Are Going After Tiny Lomita

Now Obama’s Goons Are Going After Tiny Lomita


Sometimes in my reverie, I wish I were a Muslim, a member of the most hateful religion known to the civilized world.

If I were, I could picture Imam Swish Obama’s boys swooping down out of the clouds, heroically rescuing me from still another of Culver City’s interminable signal lights, where occasionally I can read a book cover to cover.

Since I am an offended Muslim, a superfluous phrase, they would take up the cudgel for me whether the slight against me was real or imagined.

Those devilish boys of the U.S. Justice Dept., flourishing under the gigantic social justice wingspan of President Obama, have sneaked into our backyard like the bigoted bullies they are, striking fear, their life’s mission.

Mr. Obama’s selectively sensitive, scoliosis-plagued snoopers in the race-obsessed Justice Dept., are headed by the Atty. Gen. Eric (I See Racism Everywhere) Holder, a beacon of dishonesty. The boys at Justice now have, unasked, inserted their dirty feet into little Lomita, of all unlikely landing zones.

For gosh sakes, there are longtime residents of the South Bay who couldn’t track Lomita with two GPS’s. Stand warned, dear reader. Underestimate Mr. Obama’s lavishly oiled Justice Dept. hate machine at your peril. His pluperfect, politically correct bully boys never sleep in their ceaseless search for Muslim “victims.”

Hear Ye, Here Is a Victim

Today’s issue:

A year ago last March, the Lomita City Council voted 4 to 0 to reject expansion of a mosque, the Islamic Center of the South Bay, after the strictly advisory Planning Commission had recommended approval.

The scenario will sound familiar to City Hall and to Culver City residents:

While the Planning Commission contended there would be no increase in traffic, neighbors and the Council strongly disagreed.

Such a scene is not a stranger to Culver City.

Meanwhile, little Lomita, understandably, appears to be quivering.

The City Attorney Christi Hogin told the Daily Breeze:

“It is a little alarming the federal government would come in and second guess a land-use decision like this one.”

Ms. Hogin should know that intimidation is the main game of the Obama administration, which regularly pulls this kind of barnyard stunt.

Last week, the Breeze reported, 13 City Council members, Planning Commission members and city officials were intimidatingly interviewed by fed thugs.

Keep in mind that the race-conscious Mr. Holder, who is black, repeatedly has signed off on black thuggery since he and the oily Mr. Obama took over our government.

As you may know, after three years in the White House, Mr. Obama can spot a Muslim at a hundred paces. He can espy an offended Muslim at 3,000 miles, an amazing talent that should have qualified him for a career in the circus rather than politics.

The gumshoe goons of Mr. Swishy and Mr. Holder hunker down and lurk in cluttered alleys where thugs fear to tread, in search of a wronged member of Mr. Obama;s favorite religion.

The bully boys from justice call the Lomita case a “civil rights” investigation. They say that burly ol’ meanie known from coast to coast as Lomita may have violated one of those doozy rules that Mr. Swishy loves to slip under your door after you and your unsuspecting family have gone to sleep.

Known as the “Religion Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act,” it is said to forbid state and local governments “from imposing a substantial burden on the religious exercise of a person.”

In literature, this is branded as fantasy.

In Mr. Obama’s world, this is comfortably known as brotherly Muslimhood.