Home OP-ED Now Here Is a Breakfast with Class

Now Here Is a Breakfast with Class


Dateline Dayton — Pauline and I traveled a few miles away to Covington this past Saturday so tI could attend my high school class breakfast. I have written about them on previous occasions.

This breakfast was different because we had three classmates who never had attended. Making this breakfast all the more special were Sister Janice from Kentucky, June came from Virginia and Carl and his wife were visiting from Pennsylvania.

For most of the time at Buffalo Jacks we had a room to ourselves, which made it easy to participate in conversations at either end of the table. With three newbies, we did a lot of catching up.

Upon leaving, Pauline commented how well everyone gets along and enjoys each other’s company. She was amazed that most of us have, or will be, celebrating our fiftieth wedding anniversary. Sister Janice has celebrated her fiftieth anniversary in the religious life and Carl would have had fifty, but his first wife died and he didn’t remarry until after his sons were raised. Unfortunately Elaine was in an abusive relationship and is one member of our regular group who is divorced

We are now planning a party for over the holidays, which also will mark the first year anniversary of our get-togethers.

After breakfast, we stopped at my sister’s to drop off the Grand Canyon reservation information I had gotten on-line. We asked if they were interested in attending an auction north of Piqua, but they had other plans.

Pauline and I went to the auction because dolls were listed and she wanted to see how they were selling. We will have some in our upcoming auction. She even purchased a few dolls. They were reasonably priced, with only a few bidders. Doesn’t look very promising for the dolls she will be selling, though.

That Was Fast

Since my essay this week has mentioned marriage and divorce. I must comment on the Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries desecration of marriage. A wedding, which supposedly cost ten million dollars, couldn’t last three months? Our wedding, which might have cost $1,000, is going on fifty. Sure is a good thing I’m not the judge in their divorce proceeding. I would make her donate ten million dollars to charity as a condition of the divorce.

Just think of all the good that could be accomplished with ten million dollars. How many people could be fed, housed and provided medical care with that kind of money. The Learning Tree Farm is trying to raise fifty thousand dollars to repair its 200-year-old barn roof, with little success. And that’s only a small percentage of the cost of their event.

It’s time for television viewers to say enough is enough and stop watching the Kardashians and any show that promotes their lifestyle. Possibly that would sent a message to the networks that we don’t approve of the mockery they have made of marriage.

Now that I’m on the subject of the wasting money, how about the amount of money being spent on political campaigns today? Candidates should be limited to ten percent of what the position they are vying for pays, not counting graft and corruption, for their campaign. Again, think of all the good that could be accomplished if the money donated to political campaigns would be spent on schools. Teachers might even have money to buy supplies and not need to purchase them out of their own funds.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net