Home OP-ED Non-Whites Should Be Barred from Boarding Airplanes

Non-Whites Should Be Barred from Boarding Airplanes


Since this is Election Day in the South Bay and along the coastline from Venice to San Pedro —Hahn vs. Huey for Jane Harman’s old seat in Congress — the hometown Daily Breeze pleasantly surprised normal voters this morning with a suggestion that offends liberals:

Requiring a photo identification before voting.

Those heroic defenders of professional, amateur and wannabe victims, the Democrat Party, successfully have thwarted this idea for two reasons:

• Unfair to minorities, seniors and young people because it would be an extra expense for these professionally impoverished clots of the populace.

• Huge chunks of Democrat voters are illegals and other unqualifieds.

To be fair, in public, the Democrats wisely only raise the first argument.

One of the amazing developments of my rather lengthy life is that Democrats consistently insult non-whites.

And the insulted are so slow on their feet, they interpret insults as compliments.

I beg you: What self-respecting black man would accept a racist affirmative action pass into college? Not anyone I want to associate with.

Prominent Democrat lawmakers, in Sacramento and Washington, make the same fatuous xeroxed economic argument every election cycle against all non-whites, old people and young adults.

With the aid of their mushy thinking allies in the media, they get away with it.

The Breeze notes that photo identification laws for voters already have been passed this year in six states with normal (Republican-controlled) legislatures, Wisconsin, Texas, Alabama, South Carolina, Kansas and Tennessee.

“Frankly,” says the Breeze editorialist, “it doesn’t make sense to us that one has to present a valid ID to get on an airplane or get into a federal court but not to vote.”

That is it. I am convinced.

Nonwhites, seniors and young adults hereafter must not be allowed to fly.

They can’t afford photo identification. Dumbocrats say so.

We will all meet at my house in the morning to plan campaign strategy.