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No Need to Look Further. I Will Help You Out of the 4043 Mess.


The 4043, Culver City’s big PUZZLE. What the heck did the people get from the sale of the Irving Place property?

Most citizens gained their first knowledge of the $3.121 million agreement, changing ownership of Culver City land, after the fact. I was one of those citizens. Rebated $550K to the developer.


According to sources, developer Sal Gonzales told City Hall officials he needs about a 50 percent increase over the approximately $550,000 that the City Council already has agreed to hand over to him. 1/23/2009.

Early on, my position on 4043 was established, and it is legendary around the Irving Place neighborhood. “Give ‘em their money back.” Hasn’t changed. It was officially memorialized on Dec. 8, 2008.


An email was circulated over the weekend over the signature of the two couples who have appealed the Planning Commission’s approval of the 24-to-28-condo building. The email suggested that City Hall reacquire the property from the builders and put up “affordable housing” in place of the present plans. Dec. 8, 2008.

Rumor has it that the sale money was needed to fund the Redevelopment Agency.

City property sold $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to go to the restrictive CRA fund.

Don’t want to sound so unfamiliar, actually I am proud to announce that I am not from Callie. No need to explain, but I’ll give you a hint. I was Linwood E. Howe Volunteer of the Year 2009. I also ran for the School Board, but that is another story.

I have three questions that any public official can to address.

1. Redevelopment Agency: Is that the same as Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)?

2. City Council (CC): Is that the same as Culver City Council (CCC)?

3. Same members switching hats. What is the difference?

For simplicity, I will just call them CCRA.

I am still baffled about the non-relationship between the City Council and the School Board. Strange phenomenon. Has anyone ever heard of any other relations like that?

I was at the last CCRA meeting when the School Superintendent was presented as the very last item, 11:52 p.m., 8 minutes before midnight, for a request that took less than five minutes from presentation to resolution.

Is this any way to treat a lady?

She had been there since the opening bell at 7 o’clock. Maybe they did not recognize her. Reliable sources have it that the CCRA thought that she might be there looking for the School District’s cut of the $6 million Culver City Lottery.

Sorry, only one winning ticket. I was waiting in the garage expecting to see her Benz turn into a pumpkin. She made it just in the nick of time, peeled rubber getting out. At least she got the okay to start having School Board meetings in the CCRA chambers.

Returning to the Kids

Sorry. Got sidetracked. That’s my problem. I am always thinking about the kids. At the last CCRA meeting, (the one where the cooler heads prevailed), I mentioned the shortfall of cash at the Culver City High School Athletic Dept. for bus transportation and coaches’ stipends (only a paltry $114,000).


Seventy thousand dollars has been cut in transportation funds from the CCHS Athletic budget for the 2010-2011 school year as well as $46,000 in coaching stipends.

We currently offer 23 sports and 60 teams at CCHS. We hope to continue to provide the same variety and quality of athletic programs in the 2010-2011 seasons that we have year after year. However, in order for this to happen, we need your help more than ever.

One Councilman informed me that the CCRA money could be only used for low to moderate housing. One Councilman had the look of a 12-year-old meeting his idol in person for the first time. I can imagine him saying, “Wish I had thought of that.”

Anyway, the school kids are the farthest thing from the minds of Councilmen. Maybe I am paranoid. Over a year ago, I complained at a CCRA meeting about the sidewalks on Braddock directly leading to and from Linwood Howe Elementary School. They are in disrepair. There have been a couple of incidents, trip-and-fall episodes of elementary school kids bumping their heads. How much can that cost? Hospital bills should more than cover it, easily. Now that it is memorialized, there is no more claiming that we did not know. Mr. Developer, I would feel at least the kids got something out of this deal.

Coming soon:

Putting together the 4043 Puzzle. I welcome any input from the general public or any public figure, elected or anointed.

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com