Home OP-ED Naming Metro Station for Zev? Why? Outrageous. Egotistical.

Naming Metro Station for Zev? Why? Outrageous. Egotistical.


[img]1862|right|John Walsh||no_popup[/img]The MTA Board on Thursday plans to re-name a couple of MTA rail stations after outgoing, term-limited Zev Yaroslavsky and Gloria Molina.

Thereby they will clearly establish  a precedent that each and every L.A. County Supervisor upon departure from a seat on the MTA Board shall have an MTA rail station duly dedicated in his or her honor,  with the MSM ignoring the protest against such an MTA Board move; instead looking on approvingly or silently.

The cost of changing station signage, maps and other matters is distressingly in the thousands of dollars. This egotistical MTA Board move is occurring right after the raising of the fare.

United Riders of L.A. requests that Gloria's steadfast opponent for a seat on the L.A. City Council, incumbent Councilman  Jose Huizar, seize upon this egregious waste of taxpayers' money as a campaign issue while Jose battles to keep his seat from falling into the clutches of Ms. Molina!

Supes Knabe, Antonovich and Ridley-Thomas are eagerly waiting in the wings for their own naming stations when they eventually get bumped out of office by term limits.

Don't the past Mayors of L.A. deserve this great honor, too?  Villaraigosa, Hahn plus the memory of Bradley, Yorty, Bowron and Shaw wait to be so honored.

The MTA Board also plans Thursday on drastically reducing the total Public Comment time to no more than three minutes each  for the entire Board agenda items, which violates the state Brown Act as not “reasonable.” It will trigger a lawsuit to restore the previous MTA Board public comment rules.

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at Jwalshconfidentiał.wordpress.com