Home OP-ED My Shaky Cable Company Has Lost Its Way

My Shaky Cable Company Has Lost Its Way


Dateline Dayton — A couple weeks ago I told you about the problem we had with convincing a large cable company to service our condo.  I am positive service will only worsen if the two large cable companies are allowed to merge. Neither is known for customer service.

Since cable installers do not like to run cable, they take the easy way out. In our case, it was installing some type of wireless internet service, which required a box being placed in one of our rooms. Not a problem, but the installer told us that we should go the cable store, which you may remember is in the high rent district, to buy a battery for the unit.

I was going to be in the area delivering a tax return, so I told our son I would pick up the battery. Since he didn’t discourage me, what kind of trouble could I get into?  I now have two stores I no longer visit, the phone store and now the cable place.

When I walked in, only one other customer was present.  Three representatives were available, I told the first one I needed a battery for my unit, and handed him a paper with the name and number in writing.

He immediately told me they no longer support this unit. I should contact the company directly for the battery. I explained, to no avail, that the unit just had been installed, and the installer assured us we could by a battery here for $5. He looked at the girl next to him. She verified that they do not support the unit.

Next day I contacted my son, who suggested he would shop online for a battery. I told him I didn’t want a unit the cable company no longer supported. He agreed, called the company and was told to exchange the unit for a current model.

Since I no longer go to the cable store, he returned the unit only to learn – are you ready? – it is a current model and the battery is not required unless, of course, you have their security system,  He was told that they do support the unit. However, they no longer carry batteries for the device.

No one really knows who’s on first, and it’s only going to get worse, not better!

Have You Seen These People?

Last week I told the sad story of the lady who was mauled to death by her neighbor’s two dogs.  A couple interesting developments this week.  The owner of the home, along with the owner of dogs who were killed by the police, is moving.  What is that all about? 

Additionally, the house had a fire and it’s being investigated for arson.  All these occurrences appear fishy. Even if the police do charge the suspects, they won’t be able to locate them.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net