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My Reliable Twin Cannons – Hypnotherapy and Handwriting Analysis


A new Farmers Market started recently on Friday afternoons in my neighborhood, and I offered to open a booth to conduct handwriting analysis.

If you are interested, the market is at the corner of Glencoe and Alla streets, from 12 noon to 7 o’clock. 

Handwriting analysis, an amazing art, is useful for me as a hypnotist. I always ask a client to tell me in cursive writing what he or she wants to accomplish. Unbeknown to them, I can look at their handwriting and determine immediately if a person is outgoing or shy, whether mentally or physically stimulated, a good communicator, has good self-esteem, is thrifty, is deceptive, is sympathetic. I also can tell what kind of relationship a person is in and the state of the relationship.

There are 197 character traits visible in a person’s handwriting. It is possible to change both your behaviors and character traits by changing your handwriting.

A Ford in My Past

When I was training, I was directed to analyze a letter by the president of the Ford Motor Co. The letter extolled the virtues of Ford, quick acceleration, the speed at which the car would handle corners and how swiftly it would leave others behind.

I shortly concluded the writer was not a nice man, violent with narcissistic tendencies. Mentally, he was open to new ideas but closed when it came to changes in the material world, such as foods, clothing, colors, styles and tastes. He also was sexually frustrated with a cruel streak. Afterward, I was shown the signature. I had just analyzed the writing of Clyde Barrow of Bonnie and Clyde fame.

Normally when writing, we do not think about how but what we are writing. How we write is stored within our subconscious. If you know a particular letter shows a character trait, and if you were to change the way you write the individual letter, you would affect your character. If you have low self-esteem, by changing the letter to reflect a high self-esteem and by consciously writing the letter in the new way to show a high self-esteem, at first you will be writing the letter-change consciously. After repetition, you no longer think about how you are writing that letter. Once embedded in your subconscious, your self-esteem will have changed.

This process is similar in results to hypnosis. The subconscious always gives us what we ask of it. We have trained it to act in a certain way in a certain situation. The sub-conscious does not know what is right or wrong, bad or good, false or real. It only stores the information and puts out what you have trained it to give you.

What You Will Look Like

In hypnosis, an image is developed to show you with the desired changes. The image presented to the sub-conscious will be strong. As with the handwriting, once you have presented the image of the behavior several times, the sub-conscious will give you the new behaviors you wanted. 

Our subconscious is our key to a new life.  Contact me if interested in handwriting analysis, not only for yourself but perhaps for a person you are considering hiring. Analysis of an applicant’s handwriting can provide useful insights. I have done this for several companies.  It has ensured them the potential employee will be a good fit.

Years ago I was working in the insurance industry while training to be a hypnotherapist. I was hired to promote a new product. After 20 months, our six-person staff had created $20 million worth of income. I had been responsible for $12.5 million. No one could understand how I did it. 

I had learned how people communicated and behaved. I would tailor my presentation points to appeal to the decision-maker. I was able to see the potential client’s handwriting as the person was taking notes. This afforded me insights and allowed me to develop a rapport, which, in turn, created trust. All of that added up to sales.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net