Home OP-ED Media Beat: When Brats Race to the Bottom

Media Beat: When Brats Race to the Bottom

University of Oklahoma

It is a fascinating yardstick of the vast lack of creativity by today’s bored college boys and girls, and the bias of a monopolistic left-wing media, that pranksters at the University of Oklahoma this week wildly out-PR’d the more dangerous boys at U.C. Irvine, 100 to 1.

Who has heard of Irvine’s embrace of garbage taste. Sexy, phony, transitory racism has dominated the non-Hilarious Clinton news, she said regrettably in a private email.

Race-baiting liberal journalists have practically raped the Oklahoma story of frat boys singing an ugly racist parody, which lasted 18 seconds.

Any sensible non-collegian – that leaves out bored boy and girl students and their bored, untethered profs — will tell you late developments at UCLA and U.C. Irvine were far more significant, and an embarrassment to the families of the spoiled bored brats.

At UCLA, a campus-wide group tried to bar a Jewish girl from selection because they think Jews’ reasoning correlates with that of apes.

Did you miss that one?

It is barely hyperbolic to note that the left-wing Los Angeles Times has devoted more space this month to the anniversary of the assassination of Julius Caesar than to the outrageous, open-faced, proud anti-Semitism among their bored brats.

The Times, always willing to girlishly curtsy to left-wing brats, patted them on the head last night and agreed not to print the oily pranksters’ names in today’s edition.

As for the bored brats at Irvine, they should be spanked and sent to bed without their pot while they ponder their unaccomplished lives.

Starved for head-pats they have been denied in their classrooms,  a circle of bored boy brats announced, huffily, last week that the American flag should be removed from the lobby of the group’s meeting place. They voted, and it was so, for a few minutes.

Wishing instead that they were sunning themselves on a hot tin roof  in North Korea before holidaying in Syria, the bored boy brats in training said the flag should disappear because this racist country has been responsible for intolerable colonialism abroad.

Another unimpressive Irvine student group overruled them.

But professors are lining up faster than amputee lottery winners to cheer the bored admirers of Assad and Kim Jung Ill-fated.

These brats have had their pot shipped ahead to North Korea. They remain confident it will be intact when they arrive for a victory lap so they can say they have done something in their lives, even if it is emulating President Obama. They believe this because Kim Jung has told his people to desist or get off the pot.


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