Home OP-ED Mayor Finds That a Nun Was Telling the Truth

Mayor Finds That a Nun Was Telling the Truth


His fingertips were dripping perspiration. His brain was afire. For 90 transitory seconds yesterday afternoon, Mayor Villaraigosa, known here as Mayor I Love Me, was breathing harder than the last time he was caught cheating by his former wife.

As a soon-to-be unemployed, failed politician desperate for a visible job, he suddenly found himself standing ethically denuded before his largest-ever audience, the Democrat National Convention.

Pinched painfully, the mayor relied on his lifelong instinct. When trapped, lie.

It was the classic Democrat intersection of hypocrisy and “My Gawd, we have been exposed again.”

When true Democrats stitched together the party’s Presidential election campaign platform, they made two remarkable changes that would offend normal people, but not fellow Dems:

For the first time, we are told: They excised the name of God and they deleted the traditional recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

This was a typical emotional Obama-style gaffe in an election year when Swish Obama, Pander Bear, is trying to convince Americans he is a supporter of Israel despite his Muslim trappings and Islamic panderings. (See Iran.)

Normal Democrats were embarrassed by the deletions. The Obama wing was thrilled.

At the most interesting moment yet in the convention, former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, Chair of the Platform Committee, gingerly approached Mr. Villaraigosa, Chair of the convention, to pitch two amendments to the platform:

• Restoration of God’s name.

• Restoration of identifying Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Amendments, Mr. Villaragosa, required the consent of two-thirds of the Democrats present. Calling for a voice vote, he listened to a fairly strong “aye,” and then an overwhelming “nay.”

How Say Ye?

“In the opinion of the Chair,” he said before immediately discarding a lie as unpalatable.

He called for a second vote. Exactly the same response. The naysayers dominated. Guts took a holiday.

Chasing a third vote, the rejectionists made it embarrassingly clear the original platform was their wish.

Mayor I Love Me, in full panic, saw his sixth grade nun furiously shaking her finger in a warning sign.

He revisited his life’s lesson:

When trapped, lie.

With a straight, dishonest face that Democrats down to Pander Bear practice regularly, Mayor I Love Me disingenuously declared:

The ayes have it. The amendments passed.

The crowd was shocked.

Rigged. A traditional Democrat strategy.

It is how they swing close elections and why they are dishonestly objecting to photo identification in states where dead people, illegal aliens and ex-cons, the base, have put Dems over the top for years.

As Mayor I Love Me’s favorite nun told him 49 years ago:

“Habits are nearly impossible to break. I know.”

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