Home OP-ED Malsin’s Safety Net Proposal for Mobile Home Residents

Malsin’s Safety Net Proposal for Mobile Home Residents


Hiding in Plain Sight?

Mr. Malsin said his intended solution for curing two and a half years of worrying by aging park residents was in plain sight. “I am surprised no one else thought of it first,” he said. “I am very sympathetic to the residents. I have been trying to think of a way to provide additional protection. I can understand how they would think their situation is precarious.” The Councilman talked about his ideas. “In my research,” he said, “I have found several models. One would require the mobile home coaches to be purchased for fair market value. Another requires relocation and moving expenses. Another is that rental assistance would be offered. Different cities utilize these ordinances, and I am sure we will find a good balance.”


The Councilman was pleased that Prop. 90, which targeted eminent domain reform, was defeated this week by California voters. “If 90 had passed,” Mr. Malsin said, “it would have been nearly impossible to offer protection to the mobile home parks. Prop. 90 was an awful lot more than eminent domain reform.” One of the Councilman’s objections was “the way 90 would have permitted lawsuits if there had been any zoning changes or limitations placed on growth. It would have been disastrous for California.”