Home OP-ED Losing That Small Town Feeling

Losing That Small Town Feeling


People Want to Know

Having been out of Culver City now for more than half a year, the questions keep being asked by residents and business owners alike:

What is the Master Plan for Culver City?

It appears that the push is on to become yet another huge strip mall in Los Angeles County.

The charm of the small-town feel, with independently owned parcels of property and independently owned businesses is fading away.

Is Culver City to become just another cash cow for the local government by bringing in big developers, kicking out the little guy, ultimately forcing consumers to travel to surrounding communities to shop for uniqueness?

With the retirement of Susan Evans last week, I hope that when the next Director of Redevelopment is hired, the person has a vision compatible with the vision of residents — finding a suitable balance between properly controlled growth and the hometown feel.