Home OP-ED Losing Is Rewarded. Winning Is Punished.

Losing Is Rewarded. Winning Is Punished.


Judging by Gov. Flat Tire’s latest deadly pronouncement on page 1 of the Los Angeles Titanic this morning, he throws a large cloak over the mirror while dressing, turns out the bathroom lights while shaving, combs his hair with a razor and always ties his shoes with somebody else’s left hand.

For 74 years, he has preached backwardness, the motto of the Democrat Party.

For 80 years, the intellectually bankrupt Democrat Party has sold Americans on the deceitful notion that it is not just the best but the only political option of the working man.

Cerebral lightweights from FDR to President Obama conveniently ignore the evidence that self-made men like Dr. Jerry Buss and Donald Sterling – presently mourning – are harder working men than the first 10 laborers whom Democrats pretend to champion.

Except for themselves, of course, Democrats ferociously advocate equality.  Subtleties, have you noticed, like a punch in the nose, habitually evade Democrats?

These guys are for equality almost always at the wrong time – especially where right and wrong are concerned.

Any of You Awake?

Liberal blacks, Jews, Latinos and singles of all ages – turn too stupid inside the voting booth to realize that when Democrats equate poverty with ignorance – these inattentive dumbbells do not notice.

Just last week, an egg-nogged, lugubrious federal legislator suggested a cap on individually accumulated wealth. Capital idea, pal. See you at McDonald’s.  In the next sentence, this hollow chap spoke in favor of extending the 73 weeks of unemployment checks that are mailed to 2 million bums who have converted not working into a lucrative career.

Liberals are huge fans of constantly raising the minimum wage, which normal people realize is transitional employment, not a career.

That circles us around to Gov. Tire’s calculatedly hazy proposal in the Titanic:

Call Him Gov. Backward

Says he wants to change the system for funding California schools, that the bulk of monies should go to poorer districts.

An old liberal stunt: Punish the good guys.

As a liberal, Gov. Tire took an oath to only make pronouncements that make him and his listeners feel good about themselves, practicality be darned.

“This is a way to balance some of life’s chances,” he said ignorantly as his heart purred.

Help failures. Punish winners.

“When somebody’s teaching in Compton, it’s a much bigger challenge than teaching in Beverly Hills,” said the Guv, with an awkward blend of stupidity, racism and naiveté.

Wrong again, Guv. Typically, he was trying to make a complex matter sound like child’s play – so the base would comprehend. The concept of a different, not necessarily bigger, challenge, deftly eluded one-dimension Mr. Tire.

Why would any remotely sensible leader punish the teachers and students at  Beverly High for achieving while rewarding the teachers and students in Compton for failing?

That is the crucial central question.

Under the governor’s squirrely proposal, the state Dept. of Finance estimates the Compton district would receive an increase of $4700 per year per pupil by September 2017 while Manhattan Beach, by contrast, would earn just $681 more per pupil.

The governor’s proposed feel-good scam is another Rubik’s Cube perspective of the dastardly philosophy of redistributing the wealth of people who work and succeed for a living to the chronic underachievers who emulate statues.

Obviously, Frankenstein is not dead.

Losing is rewarded, succeeding is penalized.

Only in Albania. This is Albania, isn’t it?