Home OP-ED Look. Look. Look.

Look. Look. Look.


How interesting it is that by looking carefully we can avoid all kinds of accidents.

For one thing, when backing up my car I need to look and keep looking. I can think of all the fender-bumping incidents I had by not looking continuously, and not backing up slowly enough.

How about buttoning those darned shirt buttons. I found that if I actually look at the buttons — in a good light — I may have to wear my glasses — I can button them in 1/10 the time.

Washing the dishes — I found that if I wear my glasses, I can actually avoid spots on the dishes.

Look at that GPS route — see where it is supposed to be taking me. If I remember to do that, and get the correct route programmed, I can usually avoid going around in circles.

Writing my essays, I find it helps to look, and look again, at what I have written. Often I change things to sound better and look better.

Those bill statements — take another look — how often have I noticed a way to cut costs by seeing what I have spent, and how often I have used the thing for which I have spent dear money.

I enjoy blowing up small photos by scanning them into my computer. When I look at a photo blown up, I see things I have never seen before -– what beautiful memories!

Looking for one of those missing items — just when you need to find it! It’s easy — just spill the box on the floor — don your glasses –—get the knee pad – and spread the things around. Chances are you will find the thing you are looking for – if you’ve already placed your miscellaneous items in labeled boxes, that is.

And finally, I enjoy looking at all the email you send me — so keep it coming.
