Home Letters Zirgulis Seeks to Make a Weekly Coffee Date with Voters

Zirgulis Seeks to Make a Weekly Coffee Date with Voters


I am beginning the New Year by kicking off my campaign with “Sunday Coffee Chats with Mr. Z,” every Sunday in front of the Starbucks across the street from City Hall, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. The next one will be Jan. 10.

I want to make myself available to Culver City voters to ask them what they would like the city to do for them.

I want to talk to people like Greg Smith who can give me the inside scoop about what is happening with the Culver City Police Dept.

I want to talk to city employees and assure them anonymity from retribution by the current regime in City Hall.(If you can get fired for writing a letter to the editor by the City Council, one has to be careful about anything he or she says.)

Since I am an underdog in this campaign, I want to speak for the underdogs who probably represent the majority but are not organized to stand up against the political machine. This is reflected in the fact that only about 15 percent of the voters cast their ballots in School Board and City Council elections.

Come one, come all and share a cup of coffee with Mr. Z every Sunday at the Starbucks in front of CIty Hall 10 to noon.

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com or 310.486.7408.